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Has anyone recently gotten an MH series cutter to fully operate under Linux? All of the information I was able to find was more than a decade old. I am most specifically looking for information on the 14" MH Vinyl Cutter(SKU: REMH365), as that one is not listed in the drivers in Inkcut; only MH-721 and MH-1351 are in the list. Does other software — besides inkcut — work better for this? This is entirely new territory for me, with regard plotter cutters. Thank you in advance, manikinxvx
Hi guys, I can't decide between the MH series and the SC2(contour cutting feature, don't know how important this plan to use it mainly for decals and some cardstock. Other question is to get 28" or 34"? Thanks in advance for all the imputs that you can provide me!
Hi guys, im new here and im looking for a part for the MH721 cutter plotter. The proximity sensor red button has broken, causing the machine to go crazy on startup. Ive managed to take it all to bits and take the old one out I just need to find a replacment if anyone has any ideas please???? Ive attched pictures and as you will see the red button has come away from the wire. Ive looked on google etc and cant seem to find what im looking for if anyone knows the correct name or model part id be well chuffed. Thanks in advance.
I have a MH 365 - MK2, which either from the start or midway through a job will stop, click and say test and reset itself. Just started doing it this week after about 2 years of no issues It will periodically work fine, then the next cut do this. I've included a video of what its doing. Seems to be once it gets to the one side it causes it to "test". Anyone had this problem and know the solution? IMG_5152.MOV
Hi all. We are new to vinyl cutters and having what seems to be a simple issue but can't fix it. We've searched this forum and other sites, have tried several things including adjusting speed and pressure. The problem is nothing cuts "clean". We can't get straight or curved lines or letters. Sometimes we will get a straight letter within a word or a single line in an image but have never been able to cut an image/wording where the entire thing is perfect (or close enough). As "newbies" I hope some of you more experienced people will have some advice. Thank you in advance! I have posted an image below which pretty much combines some of our issues into a single image.
IEATBABYDOLPHINZ posted a topic in USCutter Refine Cutting Plotter Support Requests
MH 721-MK2 Cutting Issue Resolution (or ribbon cables are the bane of my existance)
Athena's Gifts and Garden posted a topic in USCutter Refine Cutting Plotter Discussion
Posted in this sub forum as I don't see an MH sub forum Interesting and frustrating problem with my new (about 2 weeks old) MH 721. I have been happily cutting away (as we would say in the metalworking hobby "making chips"). Tonight my MH started having an issue with not cutting to depth on the right hand side of the tool (carriage home side). After playing with pressure settings and blade depth it stopped dropping the carriage all together. Kind of frustrating. After exhausting the limited troubleshooting info in the manual I went to Google.....still didn't find an answer for my particular issue......time to break out the screwdrivers. I started opening panels one at a time. At removing the right hand side panel I sighted down the access hole in the X axis channel and spotted a loose ribbon cable (ah ha! found the problem). Pic of cable pulled to the access hole Now,,,,how to fix this..... I pulled the left-hand cover and fished the ribbon cable to fat fingers wouldn't be able to access the cable and plug. Pulled the 4 screws on the top panel (that the control pad is mounted to) and fed some slack in the ribbon cables feeding the control panel to move it out of the way and......success! I was able to access the carriage PC board and get the cable seated and locked. I gave a few good tugs on the cable and it seems to be locked into the PC board well. I can only surmise that the plug retainer wasn't properly seated from the factory. If anyone else runs into this issue I hope this can help shorten your downtime. -
Hello every body, i recently bought a US Cutter Plotter MH871-MK2, when i sent a file to cut (pen or knife) the lines won't close, i try different things like updating drivers, speed, different softwares, blade and presure is fine.. I run out of ideas i need some help..
- Not closing
- 871
(and 2 more)
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I have noticed several threads which approach the topic of "how small" a detail can the value cutters produce. The fact of the matter is the MH cutter can cut VERY VERY small (I cut some text today that had a dot over the letter 'i' which was only 1mm in diameter). However, the real issue is not the miniature dimensions of the cuts -- the actual issue is weeding and how well the finished item will adhere to a surface. The vinyl we use is pressure-sensitive and when the surface area of the material is so fine, there isn't really enough adhesive exposed to create a good bond. This is an example of text which the MH can handle, even at extremely miniature scale (say, 1/2") However, the weeding of those closed loops (in the 'a' 'g' 'w' 'p' and 'u' for instance) would turn me crosseyed, trying to pick them out.
I am new to the cutter world I have made a few since I got my machine last week they came oht fine . I tride to cut some decals for local shop and my cutter went nuts it flipped 1/2 the image and cut the other 1/2 my phone wont let me download the images .
Hi everyone, I'm new here but I have been reading the forums for a few months now. Bought the mh series cutter for a hobby. Had some good times and some bad! When I first got it the motherboard was bad. USCutter replaced it no problem. Then the carriage was off track I fixed that. Had some cutting problems here and there. Now the problems are pretty much all the time. It will turn and slice. Stop mid cut and slice through. Got a huge roll of paper and used the pen to test designs before wasting a ton of vinyl. Then bought the keyspan adaptor. It worked amazing the first time! So naturally, I decide to try same design a second time and it's back to it's old tricks! Turned it off and tried again. Well now it's doing something new. Display reads Test.... and then it just moves material back and forth about 15 times. When it stopped I sent design to cut again and it will say Test.... and move material back and forth a bunch of times and it will not even attempt to cut design. Any help will be greatly appreciated since it's Saturday and also a holiday weekend! Melissa
Cutter works great in test, but no blade pressure in a real cut?
RazorConcepts posted a topic in General discussion
I'm trying to set up my 14" MH cutter. With th blade pressure set at 100 and about 300 speed, the built-in test pattern comes out beautifully. However, when I switch to sending over a design through Sign Cut Pro, the cutter begins to cut with little or no pressure - it leaves no marks on the vinyl! The software speed/pressure is greyed out on sign cut, I'm assuming the MH series don't support that. But why would the test cut come out great, but the actual design has no force? Thanks! -
So I bought an MH-871 MK2 a year ago as I was just starting out and not doing a whole lot...I am needing something else now..I still don't have the cash or the customer base for the Copam (I wish I could!) So what would you suggest? I was looking at the TC or LaserPoint I do a lot of letters, numbers, and intricate shapes (people, logos, etc...) Laserpoint says it's a mix of SC and TC but TC says it's the best of the value cutters...What are your suggestions as to the next machine before hopefully being able to buy a Copam...(I also need something around 30inches so if you are price comparing thats the size I would be getting) Thanks
Hi everyone, I just got my US Cutter MH 871 in the mail yesterday and I'm interested in doing reflective material. I was wondering if anyone who has the MH 871 has cut reflective material and what speed and pressure I would use. Thanks!
SCAL pushes out the vinyl on my MH series...
WritingsOnTheWall posted a topic in Other Software Programs
I got the MH 871 and I use SCAL never had an issue before I started using the MH series but it pushes out the vinyl a lot (sometimes it goes almost to the end of the roll) I know it's a user error but I can't figure out what to do to fix it. With 2 young kids I don't have quiet time to call in and get help so hoping someone here has had the same problem and can help me fix it! Thanks! -
I am pulling my hair out over this!!!!!!!!! I've been designing and cutting maybe a year now. I use CorelDraw x5 to design and export to SignBlazer for cutting. What's the problem you ask? When I import to SignBlazer there are nodes that are created that are not in the original and it takes me hours to delete them. I think that all my problems will be solved if I were able to cut directly from CorelDraw. I have an MH 721 ( and a USB to Serial adapter cable (http://www.usbfirewi...rr-usb-017.html). How can I cut directly from CorelDraw. I have been trying to find drivers, install my MH 721 as a printer and I've got nothing accomplished. I've literally been trying to accomplish this for 3 weeks. I think I've read every forum here on the topic and have tried to follow them all to no avail. Can anyone explain to me from Step 0 to completion? I read responses here (http://forum.uscutte...ack-cut-direct/) and hope someone can help can help fix this My equipment: PC- Inspiron mini - Cutter - MH 721 - Null modem cable - Scanner cable - (not used when trying setup printing) Thanks