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    MAC Software for MH871

    It may still be possible to get it to fire up in SAFE MODE F8 with Networking.. Not sure what crashed means to them. I have fixed some computers with the F8 and download, Bleeping Computer ADWCLEANER. I have had Blue screens etc.
  4. slice&dice

    MAC Software for MH871

    Walt's Windows machine 'crapped out' which means he didn't get a chance to de-activate (unregister) the copy of his VinylMaster on that computer, and Walt now won't be able to re-install it on a cheapo Dell laptop anyway.
  5. darcshadow

    MAC Software for MH871

    You could probably use Inkscape/InkCut and the serial connection. I never understood why they say the MH don't work with MACs. You are talking to it through a serial connection, so long as you send the correct serial commands the cutter won't care what is talking to it.
  6. slice&dice

    MAC Software for MH871

    (MH machines "Not Suitable for MacOS" -- per the specs) My advice, buy an old, obsolete fifty-dollar Dell or Toshiba laptop with legacy DB9 (serial) port, load it with VinylMaster and be happy. OR, buy the SC2 or LP3 cutters and upgrade from that MH, and go with SureCutsALot on the mac.
  7. haumana

    MAC Software for MH871

    As far as I know, the MH871 will only run on Windows. That being said, you can try using bootcamp, or VM Fusion/Parallels to run Windows and see if that'll work for you. I was able to sucessfully run my LaserPoint (original) on Parallels and Fusion with Windows 7 & Windows 10, on my much older MacPro, but when that machine crapped out, I replaced with an M1 Apple, and while Windows will run via Fusion, the USB/COM Ports are not as easily configurable that's required to properly communicate between computer and cutter. Truth be told, I gave up on that, and got myself a Graphtec, which I run with the very limited software that Graphtec has pushed out for on Mac. I do most of my design in other software and just import to the cutting software. If I need to cut stuff on my LaserPoint, I have an older Win7 machine that I fire up for that.
  8. It's been awhile since I posted anything, but I have come to a new problem. Ha! My PC crashed and I am replacing it with a MAC. Are there any software packages that run on a MAC OS? What are the options. I have VinylMaster LTR now, but my only option now is to run it under some kind of Win emulator. Any suggestions? TIA CWS (Walt)
  9. slice&dice

    Vinyl Printing?

    By the way, eMetal, those online large-format print companies usually work with files that are raster, not vector. Just sayyin'

    Vinyl Printing?

    I don't know of anyone... I pretty much skip printing threads/posts. It's nothing that I do.
  11. slice&dice

    Vinyl Printing?

    There used to be a few forum participants who had printers and would take on these types of jobs, but haven't seen them around lately. (Haven't seen anyone around lately, with all the spamming daily, but that's another story). MzSkeeter might chime in with who they are, and you can try PM'ing them. You can also hook up with a wholesale printer online, I've had great work done by ZooPrinting
  12. .:eMETAL:.

    Vinyl Printing?

    Is there anyone here that is willing to print some vinyl for me? The colors within the logo don't match up well to solid color charts so it's best to print. I will be using this to overlay onto CNC pieces that I cut out for dimensional signage. I have everything in vector. I'm located in Maine If you're able to help shoot me a PM so we can connect. Thanks in advance!
  13. Earlier
  14. You might need to post the file for someone to help troubleshoot it for you.
  15. The software is not locking but a simple graphic remains “locked” when all is not supposed to be locked. Highlighted the entire page and made sure everything on it was “unlocked” but still, that one graphic remains locked. Would anyone know the fix? thank you
  16. haumana


    I do not believe there are any scanners that can directly as any vector file, including .svg, .eps, or .ai. The closest you would get would be to scan to .pdf, or vectorize your scanned image using other software.
  17. I start my vinyl just a little forward of the cut strip. Like Skeeter said, if you position the blade carriage and vinyl where you want it to start, then hit the Orgin button, then you should be good. The cutter should not roll back the vinyl from that point. Just position everything, hit Origin, then send the job to the cutter.
  18. Is that top picture how you start out? I only have my vinyl extended past the cutting strip. 1/2" Push ORIGIN button. Media sensor and pinch roller sensor turned off. I have been running 16 years with those sensors off. I don't waste vinyl. I can put the carriage head in the far right corner. push the ORIGIN Button and the design starts measuring from there to cut.
  19. slice&dice

    Mutoh 1341 sr pro

    You needed a replacement, now you have one. The entire question of "what printer to buy?" has a ton of variables to consider before making an informed answer. Your variable was -- "It fits into the space" which is a valid reason to get it. My best advice for any large-format printer owner is to assure a steady flow of work, keeping that sucker running daily, and have a supply of extra inks, because they tend to run out right at the worst time (Murphy's Law).
  20. slice&dice

    Signmaster Support

    As a rule, it's never a good idea to trace/vectorize text. That font appears to be Franklin Gothic Bold. To make that little logo thing, it's just an arrangement of skewed rectangles.
  21. NAMOXO123


    could anyone out there tell me if one can us a scanner to produce avg images from the scanner, if so what kind of scanner would i need thank you
  22. Graphtec told me put it on restrict media on the program then it will start closer but it don't it just closes the program. I always get 4-5cm of waste vinyl srips I know i can sell that to hobbycraft fans. So whats the work around it.
  23. what cutting software are you using, and can you let us know what some of your settings are?
  24. haumana

    Signmaster Support

    I would try darc's suggestion first, and if that doesn't work, then go with slice's.
  25. Wasting vinyl where? Front? sides? You don't state. You are not explaining enough as to what you are doing. Are you pushing the ORIGIN Button, before you are sending your design? How much vinyl do you have extended in front of cutting strip? You have to have some vinyl extended, You can't start right on the cutting strip. How are you placing the vinyl exactly? Can you show some pictures? Personally I turned off my media sensor and pinch roller sensor on day 1 (FC7000). Your cutter should be able to do the same. No longer measuring the vinyl width. I can put my blade right to the edge of the vinyl width. Push Origin and can cut past the pinch rollers both sides, no problem.
  26. darcshadow

    Signmaster Support

    You'd be better off finding the font and recreating the logo.
  27. Any idea how can I stop wasting vinyl 5cm before it cuts anything... for the Graphtec cutting plotter ce7000
  28. Pistonpump

    Mutoh 1341 sr pro

    Our Epson died and we had to buy something quickly. We went with the Mutoh only because we could get it in our basement easily. We had to remove a wall to get the Epson down the steps. We didnt want to have to go thru that again. Normally we buy equipment after going to a show. Was just trying to get some feedback on if we made a bad choice.
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