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slice&dice last won the day on September 9

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About slice&dice

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    MidAtlantic Region, USA
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    Creating my own Youtube videos; model rocketry

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  1. Obvious question - what types of file(s)?
  2. haumana, that was sweet of you to do that. A waste of effort, but sweet.
  3. Bonjour, Math. It might be worth your while to run that French posting through ChatGPT to give the English-speaking public here on this Forum a chance to see what your problem consists of. Posting in a foreign language is just lazy on your part, since you obviously know that it won't be understood, and obtaining a translation is simple for you to accomplish. I'm not gonna do that crucial step for you. Maybe someone else will, wait and see.
  4. slice&dice

    Driver for GCC Puma III

    It appears that Josh purchased an expensive brick. Piece of good advice (mentioned often over the years here) is to verify the correct operation of a used cutter, by seeing it actually perform a cut from the computer and that computer with software is included. I hope Josh manages to obtain his refund.
  5. slice&dice

    Driver for GCC Puma III

    What happens if you just press that CutTest button by itself? (You are in a menu which requires you to first press the left and right arrows to select a pattern, THEN press Enter/OK, and then the CutTest)
  6. slice&dice

    Driver for GCC Puma III

    On Monday, Josh claimed the seller "...ran a test on the machine itself" Now, he's saying that a test cut isn't functional. While I'm not familiar with the GCC operation, I do know that every machine I've owned has a dedicated TEST button on the keypad, it's not part of any cycling menus. If you don't get any satisfaction (refund) from this seller, file a small-claims case in court. Do you have a local version of Judge Judy?
  7. slice&dice

    Driver for GCC Puma III

    Josh, I am not convinced that you have any physical problem with the cutter. (USB port failure). What you need to do is get the communications port sorted out. Com1 is not the one to choose, when you've got a USB cable. Also, that 'adapter' is likely not gonna work. Try installing this VCP, it's saved me a lot of headaches and hopefully gets your PC to talk to the Puma.
  8. slice&dice

    Driver for GCC Puma III

    Josh, you present a challenge. Accepted. First of all, you are going to want to have your laptop connected via USB to the machine, forget about those parallel ports. FlexiSign is nice, and should run the Puma. SignBlazer Cutter Setup has the Puma II which we don't know if it will work with your III.
  9. slice&dice

    Driver for GCC Puma III

    Hey Josh, let's see what we can do. Quick questions --- when you bought the machine, did you have the seller demonstrate that it works? What program was running with the Puma? Why did you buy a unit without any compatible cutting software? SignBlazer (free to use abandonware) has the driver for Puma II which you can try.
  10. slice&dice

    First time cutter - advice appreciated

    The GCC Puma is by far the superior cutter. What software is bundled with it? SignMaster is Vevor's version of VinylMaster. Same thing. If you are designing using Illustrator, then, yes, just Import the resulting .eps into SM and cut. Just a suggestion, but since you're already doing paintwork on wood, maybe try decorating a few Cornhole boards, and sell those!
  11. slice&dice

    Zero power?

    You'll just need an electricity line meter (and verify if power is even being generated from the PSU - power supply unit). *select drop-down menu choice for PSU* While I understand that's a part for the LP3, not the LP you have, these things are fairly easy to source, and if that's the problem, you're only gonna have to fork over $50 or so for replacing it.
  12. slice&dice

    Letters Cutting into each other.

    Brittany, I may have come off as too harsh, sorry. Let's talk a minute about bullet-lists. Those bullets don't have to be circles, they can be more creative. I've used checkboxes, arrows, triangles, stars, ovals, and shapes (a hammer and other tools, for instance, on home-improvement signs). The 'regulars' here enjoy helping random people, with advice, with suggestions, with solutions. You are embarking on a T-Shirt-making operation, where's there's competition galore, and having a catchy & simple design is paramount. Best of luck, and if you require more info, just stop back. Y-W.
  13. slice&dice

    Letters Cutting into each other.

    Circles? You are asking us professional signage people how to create circles in SignMaster program? While being a noobie is generally a good excuse for not knowing something, that one is beyond the limits. Jussayyin'
  14. slice&dice

    Letters Cutting into each other.

    Your cut-file is messed-up. You need to return to the design phase and correct the script font with a WELD to join the overlapping letters. Only after doing that step can you apply the outline. (Script fonts are like that, as individual letters collide) ETA -- you are cutting, not "printing"
  15. slice&dice

    I have a MH 871-Mk2 Need some advice

    "Can I cut any type of Vinyl on my US cutter " Yes. (Including HTV) The different thicknesses and metallic-imbedded materials will require some blade-changes (maybe 60* instead of 45*, that's why there's different color-coded caps on your blades) and fine-tuning of pressure force at the keypad. Unless you have specific needs, stick with the standard 651 Intermediate stuff. (Greenstar is USCUTTER's brand of this vinyl). By the way, that was a good question, LELE. You introduced a subject that's kinda complicated because of various factors, but hopefully can generate insightful input from the experts here!