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About haumana

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  • Birthday November 4

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    land of poi & poke

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  1. haumana

    First time cutter - advice appreciated

    Awesome job restoring the pin machines! We have several, or more like a small collection of them (about 8 or 10 of them). It's great when they all work well, and not so great when they don't. Either way, it's fun playing them, and almost fun repairing them ... almost.
  2. Apparently there was a power outage while I was on vacation, and while power outages have happened before, this is the first time that it's killed my LaserPoint (first generation). No fans, no beep, no rolling, no LCD. I'm just thankful that it didn't kill my Graphtec too. I have a feeling I know that the answer is to replace the circut board ($100ish) that handles the power, but is there anything else I need to take a look at, or is it even worth trying to resurrect this machine. I like having two machines I espcially like that I had the LP dialed in to cut reflective, since I've needed to take over making signs for a local tow company, instead of torturing my Graphtec for those jobs. If anyone has any suggestions or input, I would greatly appreciate it.
  3. haumana

    MH871 MK2 drifting?

  4. can you post the original files?
  5. There have been times, where I've need to scale down the vector file, outside of the cutting sofware, and save the vector format in a smaller size (physically and file), then import it in to the cutting software and re-size it there. If you're thinking there are too many nodes, then it might be worth your time to clean them up. Foe every node you have, it's another piece of data that gets sent to tell the cutter how to turn and how far to go, until the next piece of data is providing the next bit of information. I like to think of nodes like little stop signs, the more I have, the longer it'll take for me to get from point A to point B, and increases the chances for more jagged cuts/lines, instead of cleaning up the nodes and making it more like getting on a highway, with smooth curves and less likely for stop and go actions. The data from the nodes can add up, and some cutters can basically choke on that much data. I will typically clean up nodes if there are tons, it makes for a smaller file size, less data that gets sent to the cutter, and sometime, even smoother cuts in the graphic. You can either give us a bit more information ... size of the job, or even post the file, preferably in .eps or .svg form, and other can take a look at it and provide feedback or suggestions.
  6. my guess would be the circuit board as well. do any of the other buttons work on the control panel? If they do, are you able to run the test cut from the panel.
  7. haumana

    Hi from brittany

    Thank you for registering and welcome to the forum!
  8. haumana

    MAC Software for MH871

    As far as I know, the MH871 will only run on Windows. That being said, you can try using bootcamp, or VM Fusion/Parallels to run Windows and see if that'll work for you. I was able to sucessfully run my LaserPoint (original) on Parallels and Fusion with Windows 7 & Windows 10, on my much older MacPro, but when that machine crapped out, I replaced with an M1 Apple, and while Windows will run via Fusion, the USB/COM Ports are not as easily configurable that's required to properly communicate between computer and cutter. Truth be told, I gave up on that, and got myself a Graphtec, which I run with the very limited software that Graphtec has pushed out for on Mac. I do most of my design in other software and just import to the cutting software. If I need to cut stuff on my LaserPoint, I have an older Win7 machine that I fire up for that.
  9. You might need to post the file for someone to help troubleshoot it for you.
  10. haumana


    I do not believe there are any scanners that can directly as any vector file, including .svg, .eps, or .ai. The closest you would get would be to scan to .pdf, or vectorize your scanned image using other software.
  11. I start my vinyl just a little forward of the cut strip. Like Skeeter said, if you position the blade carriage and vinyl where you want it to start, then hit the Orgin button, then you should be good. The cutter should not roll back the vinyl from that point. Just position everything, hit Origin, then send the job to the cutter.
  12. what cutting software are you using, and can you let us know what some of your settings are?
  13. haumana

    Signmaster Support

    I would try darc's suggestion first, and if that doesn't work, then go with slice's.
  14. haumana


    Do a quick read through this thread, and see if this might help resolve the issue. If it doesn't, please come back and let us know. btw - if you register for the forum, which is totally free, then your post will go up automatically and will not be waiting for a moderate to review and approve it.
  15. Sounds like a job for the Tootsie Pop owl