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jaybyrd last won the day on April 2 2021

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3,770 Excellent

About jaybyrd

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/11/1976

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    lawrenceburg, TN

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  1. jaybyrd

    water repellent?

    I did some hats a couple years ago. It was a weird waxyish coating but it pressed and stuck. Had me concerned but never had a customer complaint so I can only assume it stuck on there, BUT hats are cheaper to mess up than Carhartt's if there is a problem.
  2. jaybyrd

    Lost but now found

    Was in North, SC. Need to update that thanks for reminding me. Now in Lawrenceburg Tn
  3. jaybyrd

    Lost but now found

    I found the end of the earth but I held on
  4. jaybyrd

    Lost but now found

    At least it's not just another career politician lining their pockets. He's got far more experience at lining his pockets
  5. jaybyrd

    Lost but now found

    I am aware. Glad my vote was counted.
  6. jaybyrd

    Lost but now found

    Moved to the land without internet. Just got it turned on today finally after months and months
  7. jaybyrd

    Lost but now found

    I'm back !!! Anybody miss me lol
  8. Hey man,

    Just checking up on you.   I haven't seen you around here lately.  

    I hope everything's OK and going well for you.   

  9. jaybyrd

    Brodek and Rhodes closing

    I believe that is called free enterprise. I have swallowed up a few small shops and they are doing things the same just at a larger scale.
  10. jaybyrd

    VinylMaster Cut Question

    Yeah I keep forgetting I bought mine before uscutter got involved with them. Whole other situation there,
  11. jaybyrd

    VinylMaster Cut Question

    I can't speak for cut version but xpt gave me a separate download to design and save on as many pcs as needed but only cut and print on 1 pc.
  12. jaybyrd

    vinyl peeling

    I've done hundreds if not thousands of windshield banners with 651. The only times I've ever had issues is when the glass has something like rain x on it or wasn't properly cleaned. There was one exception with a windshield that had one area that no matter what we cleaned it with the vinyl would not adhere to that particular section and we ended up designing around it but 1 out of thousands isn't too bad.
  13. jaybyrd

    Graphtec help needed

    I can screen in a 10x10. It's cramped but I have done it before.
  14. jaybyrd

    Graphtec help needed

    6600 square ft down to 256 square ft is like going back to working the flea markets.
  15. jaybyrd

    Graphtec help needed

    Not sure where it would fit. I'm doing a mockup now to see if I can get everything operational in a 16x16 space. Going to have to be creative.