Dawn's Design

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Dawn's Design last won the day on March 28 2018

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403 Excellent

About Dawn's Design

  • Rank
    Member Sense 2013

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  • Location
    Brooksville, MS

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  1. Dawn's Design

    Pen blank casting and turning

    Great looking pen. I turn a few myself every now and then
  2. Dawn's Design

    CNC Pony Express

    Looks great!!!
  3. Dawn's Design

    Couple of signs for little league dugouts

    Looks great mark. I got my k40 laser engraver in. Let me do some practicing on it and I'll post a few pics....
  4. Dawn's Design

    Led edge lit signs with the CNC

    Looks great, Mark. I have a 40 watt laser engraver headed my way. I'm going to try the $me thing with.
  5. Dawn's Design

    Font Help

    Thanks everybody. I think I've found something that he likes. Sorry for the wait on the reply. Just got out of the hospital. Had a double bypass. Still in bad shape but I'm getting better.
  6. Dawn's Design

    Font Help

    Thanks. I'm doing different letters. The guy just wants this font.
  7. Dawn's Design

    Font Help

    Could somebody help with this font? I've searched all I have and can't find it. Thanks in advance.
  8. Dawn's Design

    Help Please

    Thanks Sue....
  9. Dawn's Design

    Help Please

    Could someone help with this font. PSI is custom. I need Car Audio. I can't find it. Thanks Everybody...
  10. Dawn's Design

    CNC machine

    That's exactly the one I'm looking at, Go-C.......
  11. Dawn's Design

    CNC machine

    I don't have one yet Mark. But I'm looking to get one. I make wild game calls. I've got to get one for putting my logo on them.
  12. Dawn's Design

    How was your Monday

    Pictures like this makes me glad that I live in the south..
  13. Dawn's Design

    Flipping an image (Not mirror)

    I've never done much with sign blazer. I use corel X6. Here they are in separate pics if that helps.
  14. Dawn's Design

    Flipping an image (Not mirror)

    What graphic design software do you use?
  15. Dawn's Design

    Flipping an image (Not mirror)

    Glad I could help...