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joker last won the day on January 26 2018

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About joker

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  1. joker

    White Aluminum signs

    Thanks Mark... Will check it out.. This is the first request i ever had for it...
  2. joker

    White Aluminum signs

    Hope all is well with everyone. I am looking for a 2ft by 8 ft white aluminum sign. Where would be best place to order from? Thanks in advance.
  3. joker

    Still going strong

    Thanks Primal i will look into it
  4. joker

    Still going strong

    Primal Decals no website yet. What is so great is the local screen printer always sends people to us.
  5. joker

    couple things done

    Dakotagrafx hers is only a V6 cause she does not need a 8 yet. But we will be upgrading to the V8.
  6. joker

    couple things done

    Here is couple pictures of some work. The stripe is on my wifes challenger and the shirt was a for a retired navy buddy
  7. joker

    Bikemike's picture thread

    very nice work as usual
  8. joker

    Still going strong

    Well it has been over just over two years now since me and my wife opened up our shop. We are still doing good and it sustains itself and then some. We have met a lot of great customers and have gained a lot of loyal customers. The bulk of our business is tshirts. We do have good days and bad days but that is the nature of the beast.. I have missed being on here and trying to help out but working 40 hours and then coming home and pressing shirts keeps me busy. Hope everyone is doing well with their vinyl business..
  9. joker

    help with this font...ty

    Looking for this font. I think i have seen it before but not sure.. any help would be appreciated.. Thank you
  10. joker

    Hello everyone/ Car material

    thanks for all the replies i went went with a oracal 951 and it worked well. Here is a picture of the hood
  11. joker

    Hello everyone/ Car material

    Thanks for the replies. Will look into it...
  12. Hello all hope all is well with everyone. Just seen a post about Mr300s and i actually had a tear in my eye after seeing that post. He helped me out with a few things. My condolences to his family. Now on to my question. Just purchased my wife a 2014 dodge challenger and now she want racing stripes on it. So my question is is what is the best material to use for this. Never messed with anything like this. Suggestions are appreciated and thanks in advance.
  13. I use sanmar which is 23 miles away from my house. they are pretty good
  14. joker

    Want to apologize

    I want to apologize for not being very active on here in awhile. Between my regular job and doing orders that come through me and my wifes store i am busy all the time now.. It has almost been a year since opening the store.. We have seen some good days and some bad days but still holding up and getting new customers everyday. One thing that has me happy is that i have had alot of customers come in that have been to other vinyl shops and were not happy and now they are return customers of ours. Another thing that i have learned is that there is alot of people in my area that does tshirts and vinyl work. But that does not stop us from growing.. I hope everyone on here is growing with their business.. I will try to get more active here soon but with the holidays here im not sure on that.. Again i want to apologize...
  15. joker

    Yeti style mugs

    CLHyer i did use vinyl..and plus got a new cell phone that takes great pictures