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Rodger last won the day on September 3 2017

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527 Excellent

About Rodger

  • Rank
    Mr Karma
  • Birthday 06/29/1955

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    USC Super Hog Crownsville Md , Weston West Virginia or Deer Lodge Tn

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  1. Rodger

    Tracing Your Photos of Copyrighted stuff

    " My take on " Hardley Davidson " ( quote feature won't work ) is " Hardley Ableson " . I have had fun with the Harley crowd and buddy's for a long time . I tell them that they call them Harleys instead of motorcycles because they don't have enough motor ... I like fast sport bikes , but have owned Harleys . 1 I should have kept was a special paint edition V-Rod that was red with gold flames that had 750 miles on it ( out the door price was $26K and I bought it for $8K . A 2003 100 year anniversery model I bought in 2012 ) . A buddy offered me a $2 profit and he owns it still .
  2. Rodger

    So How Old Are You Really?

    Body is 58 , mind is still 18 . Body wins out most of the time . My doctor told me last visit that I was in VERY good condition ....... for a 94 year old . My body constantly reminds me of the motorcycle racing , fighting , accidents etc I have experienced . I never intended to turn in a good body , i want as much use as I can get out of it !!!
  3. Rodger

    Black Friday Sale

    I find that Funny Skeet . I have had episodes like that , but not for a whole year
  4. I maintain my own vehicles also . I am a welder and structual steel inspector amongst many other occupations ( Rodger of all trades , master of none ) , so structual strength is a constant observation for me . A 1995 vehicle is not that old , Michigan must rust them out much more quickly than most states .
  5. As much as I hate how much of a scam Md inspection for vehicles can be , the inspection station usually always catch problems like described . Once inspected , never needs inspection again . WV requires an initial and a yearly inspection , but it seems if it stops within the parking lot and has lights it passes . I had a Peterbilt tractor inspected and it took 5 minutes . Tn and many states ( Florida ) does not require having a used vehicle safety inspection . I am glad there was no horror story ending for you guys
  6. You must have missed the several posts that said Laura has not ever responded to the results and what some of us thought was the probable reason for the lack of response . I even called her phone # that was listed in 1 of her posts ... got her answering machine and left a message that was never returned . I find this thread hilarious as John calls it " the thread that never dies "
  7. ECHO , I hear an echo ... . Most people set their preferences to read all new posts , so no need to post same thing in different sections . You have my response in your other thread .
  8. Check and see if the holder is all the way down in it's clamp . If not tight , sometimes they push up some .
  9. Rodger

    2 more questions

    When my grand-daughter was born , I put a heart shaped decal with her info in it on the back glass of my wife's minivan . Right in the wiper area . We kept good blades on it and when I took it off 4 years later it was still in good shape .
  10. Rodger

    Door Magnet Price

    Was picking a truck at a body shop that had a space rented to a sign company . Just for reference , I asked how much to make a set of magnets scanned from my business card . $125 . Don't tell Stetty
  11. Rodger

    qe 60 error

    I would never leave feedback 1rst as a buyer . Not like the rating makes much difference as a buyer .
  12. Rodger

    qe 60 error

    While e-bay has always been pro-buyer like most companies/courts etc ... your credit card company is even more so . I use a credit card to buy on e-bay and have 30 days after getting billed to " dispute " any charge . 1 time I got a bill from a store in Austrailia .. seems " I " bought a surf board there ... took only a couple days to have that removed . I bought a 6 in 1 heat press from a store on e-bay years ago . Never got it . Seller said it was my problem once he had shipped it . Several days after disputing it with my credit card company and it was not my problem . The bad part of that is that any buyer can easily scam a seller using the same way . Anything of value , I would insist on a signature when delivered if selling .
  13. It is rebranded Flexi . It is SW's house software . It only supports cutters sold by SW . That is why I will need to send it to a cutting software . It is VERY impressive . I use the outline feature alot and it's outling is even better than SB .. which surprises me to admit that . I got my copy from a guy who owed me a bunch of money , so I did not spend a penny . With the amount of vinyl i cut , I could not justfy it's cost . SB does everything I want . I still have not given up on the evolved SB software being released . From the bits I have been told by the developers , I conclude getting a US distributor ( and agreeing on a price per copy ) is what the major hold up was . I crossed my fingers and eyes sometimes hoping for thr release .
  14. Rodger

    how to split text in half

    Would it be advised to overlap this some for future shrinkage ? Even the higher end vinyl shrink some .
  15. Rodger

    Crackhead of the Day

    I have only put 1 member on my ignore list . Seems they got butt-hurt and was constantly trying to get even . I used to enjoy the banter and it broke up the boredom , but got tired of it . I breeze past many members post . Some because of the drama they constantly post , some because of unethical actions . I tend to get over that sooner or later as I see they change , especially when I am bored .