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livinloudgraphics last won the day on January 18 2012

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About livinloudgraphics

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/20/1989

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  • Location
    north carolina
  • Interests
    trying to start my business

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  1. livinloudgraphics

    Shipping department

    What is up with the shipping Department doing this? Its uncalled for when I order a product and pay for shipping it doesnt mean throw it in a box and let it be. Take care of my order after all if it gets damaged I'm pretty sure that you wont let me file a claim on it.. Who do I need to contact about this. I work too dang hard for my money for my stuff to be shipped like this...
  2. livinloudgraphics

    racing stripes

    Flexi pro 8.1 kept crashing either it wouldn't respond or just would freeze up, i dont know why but it ran good for 2 years with no problems. but no help from sai because i didnt purchase said software from them. I acquired a sign business that i worked for and we had it on all 3 computers we had running . so i bought a new cutter and the software that came with it was graphtec program but it is limited unless you buy the entire software (im guessing) because you cant color trace. Im actually diving into a new business and wanted to sponsor a race car for a heat race event night with my new business logos only request from owner was that she wanted racing stripes. so with that being said i came up with a small plan to do some racing stripes and logos to make the car look good. also looking into getting this software situation settled because i have the disk and the passwords for flexi the graphtec software seems to be the same as flexi but with limited thing you can do. Im trying to head in the right direction so i dont have to worry about it anymore. im thinking this is it but need some feed back on it
  3. livinloudgraphics

    racing stripes

    Im in the process of acquiring a job that need racing stripes. is there a certain cd or software that can produce these as car specs?
  4. livinloudgraphics

    Best place to get materials

    Sweet I have a couple panels of the dibond but need a good place to purchase the frames kits
  5. livinloudgraphics

    Best place to get materials

    Hello all iM Am in the market for purchasing some pvc sign frames and aluminum composite panels for making signs where would the best place to get these from? ive done some research but wanted to get others opinion on where they purchase theirs from thanks
  6. Just trying to see where everyone would be on this subject. i recently had a customer who wanted a decal for their windshield, We setup a time (after i usually close) because of work related issues. i usually am closed by the time they get off.. so they asked me to meet them at the shop on a weekend to come up with something for their car. it which we did that basically over the phone in a 30 min conversation.Needless to say i set up a time 9am, they call me saying they would be a little late at about 930am. I did actually have to go pick up something from my shop this morning so it wasn't a wasted drive. but they called back several time apologizing and told me it wont be long for them to be there. so after the 3rd call i decided to leave and just say oh well its been 4 hrs later and no show. What would you do in a instance like this? Charge a late fee? Go up on the job or what. just not trying to be too picky but it seems like a instance where i can say hey we schedule for 9am here it is 1 pm and you didnt show up till late. we can reschedule and then theres a late fee??
  7. livinloudgraphics

    looking for tips and tricks on this vector

    hey that would work didnt think about the lightbox situation. Ps nothing is copy written on this design i have the full color in my hands as well as written permission from the designer which this is hand drawn by the artist
  8. livinloudgraphics

    looking for tips and tricks on this vector

    i gave up flexi because it kept crashing. I wasn't the original owner of the purchased software so they would not help me one bit, And i truly understand that. ive been tweaking with different items and they dont come out the same, this picture was drew up by my tattoo artist. i have the graphtec software that came with the cutter but it keep wanting to update it everytime that i load it im guess they want me to buy the $699 cd because this one will only trace it and not good. im confused just spent 3k on stuff and seem to keep getting crapped on by buying a new cutter and the software that came with it. Will the mark ruben cd work with the graphtec or do i have to buy new software again??? for the 3rd dang time
  9. livinloudgraphics

    looking for tips and tricks on this vector

    Hello all, im trying to vector this artwork so i can Turn it into a sticker for one of my family members. Ive tried several ways that i know of, Can someone vector this for me and or give me some tips on doing so. Ive got some good outlines but i cant seem to get some of the smaller details to try and get the teeth and all done. Pictures are the orignals and the on i have tried to vector thanks a bunch
  10. livinloudgraphics

    help with a font please?

    Looking for this for for the Company Name, and cant seem to dig up enough information on it. can anyone help me identify it please?
  11. livinloudgraphics


    Why did the shipping go up an extra $2 and when did they start charging taxes on items??
  12. hello all i have a customer who wants a bold script font . i have found a font that would be good to use but the letters itself need to be wider than it comes how does one do this? ps the part in red needs to be 1 inch wide apiece
  13. livinloudgraphics


    sweet im glad you clarify this, because i told my wife that we needed the full version not just one that came with the cutter. she said oh i read up on it and we can use it and it has what we need. i would like to be right for once but guess what . As many of you all know thats a different ballpark
  14. livinloudgraphics


    legal reasons?? hmm ok but i had flexi 8.1 pro and its basically the same but i just want to be able to do my distort and all of that back like flexi had. for some reason i had issues with it crashing and no help from sai now they are say cause they make it but i have to talk with a graphtec rep. like this is getting so annoying going back and forth i just want to get my stuff back like it was without the hassle of having to buy everything else. when it comes with the download would i need to buy any other software?
  15. livinloudgraphics


    I have a client that would like me to sponsor his racecar. What would be the pros and cons of doing said job. Also what do you think the requirements of him if i did so? how many races he should attend, promotional items, sticker sales and maybe a contract? i have never really done something like this so it would be a first on my part to discuss to him what would be required of him for me to sponsor his car . thanks in advance