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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2014 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    As you all know my mom recently passed away I have been dealing with it mostly badly I was close to her not a norman bates kind of close. However today would be her birthday and It hit pretty hard when I realized what day it was. Last year she was in the Hospital waiting for her double bypass and the removal of a blood clot. Dad and I went to see her and wished her a happy Bday and of course gifts and cards. However we also called her in the morning to wish her a happy birthday and we would be there to see her. But today all I can do is look to the heavens and say Happy Birthday Mom. I know she is up there with her parents, my grandpa on my dads, side all her aunts and uncles. Figuring she is also partying with Dean Martin, Ole Blue Eyes and Red Skelton. So heres to you mom HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  2. 4 points
    In a matter of speaking...
  3. 3 points
    After 4-5 months of my dad bugging me i finnaly cut this out for him. Skull and spade are on his Semi truck in black now its on his challanger. I made him install it. I do off and on stuff mostly in R/C land hobby field few odd ball stuff for co-workers.
  4. 2 points
    The step nsize was off. One contact to US cutter and they straightened me out. The cutter and the software were different. 5 minutes with US Cutter tech and I was going. THANKS US CUTTER! Wags
  5. 1 point
    I printed a couple sheets for a guy last year. It's pretty cool, and a lot more involved, than what they make it out to be.
  6. 1 point
    Something like this... Then layer the gold on top of the red and you're done.
  7. 1 point
    After the Roland anything less than a Roland or graphtec just won't be as nice cutting. The titan2 does a nice job for a little less money. You also won't like gong from any version of flexi pro to a hobby software, but you may still be able to use it with the new cutter. Depending on which one you get
  8. 1 point
    Just cut the fish out of the gold. It could be two layers.
  9. 1 point
    Yes, it is FREE software included with your cutter.. it should be Sure Cuts Alot Pro.. There are also many updates to it.....Did you activate the Sure Cuts Alot? It must be activated... I think you can only install it on 2 computers. You must deactivate before installing on another computer. If you have more problems with it, contact Craftedge.com They are support for your software.
  10. 1 point
    Just like ever newer fad it will come down in price. I remember when 3D printers were more than $3,000. The firs 1GB Hard drive was like $500.00
  11. 1 point
    Lost my Dad when I was about 22. My Mom lived quite a bit longer but eventually passed on about 4 years ago. It's a pang that never truly goes away. I believe you have it right though, She is with loved ones in a better place. We lived before this life and will live on after it. "Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: The soul that rises with us, our life's Star, Hath had elsewhere its setting, And cometh from afar: Not in entire forgetfulness, And not in utter nakedness, But trailing clouds of glory do we come, From God, who is our home" -William Wordsworth
  12. 1 point
    I am running Corel X5 on my 8.1 no issues in fact it doesn't seem to crash like it did sometimes in Win 8
  13. 1 point
    I'm running X3 on 8.1 so I'd think the newer version would do fine
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    That was a great deal anyway you look at it. If it was by me I would have bought them and I already have both of them
  16. 1 point
    Looks like maybe 5 seconds more or else a little more pressure. Here is the profile with a step by step video from Richard @ Cobra Inks... A bigger bleed area like .0125 I can see the one red stripe didnt go all the way. https://cobraink.com/Color%20Control/profiles.htm
  17. 1 point
    You may need to use a color profile to get it right but paper can absolutely screw with color along with press time and temp
  18. 1 point
    Just a quick update...I picked up both presses today, all was as advertised. Hopefully I'll have time later this week to clean them up, check the temperatures, and figure out what I want to do with them!
  19. 1 point
    John I have not bern down that w as y for a while we need to get to Greeneville and Jonesborough for a visit but I have been really busy this spring/sumner so far so maybe it will slow a bit by fall and we will come that way. Also a friend of a friend has a place on Douglas lake that we want to look at. I wish I had some time now I would come get a truck load of the Grainger county tomatoes to sell here they go like hotcakes here have not been able to pick them up the last couple of years.... I think the tomatoe festival is this month also.
  20. 1 point
    Cleaning is priority, layout can be fun... take a pic, load it to your computer then start laying it out is how I do it. Then I can print off a picture of what the graphics will look like on the customers vehicle... I can do a couple different ways, then they have options and like that, especially if they have no clue what they want... that is how I've done squad cars, service trucks, fire trucks... lets them see a final and gives you an accurate layout that they can approve prior to starting the job. Good Luck!
  21. 1 point
    I've done many semi's tractors and some full length 53' trailers, they are just as easy as anything. I have a great person that I send pictures to and she can make me a vector file for any image I send her, this would probably run you 60 for a vector image, just going off what she has done in the past for me, it's so worth it to have a contact that can do that. I can match any logo, any art, anything all because of her. She is amazing. Removing the old with be your biggest time issue, maybe have a second set of hands on duty that day, because some are easy, but you don't want to damage the surface, and if they have a lot of rock chips or scratches all ready, that makes it a little more difficult... but you'll be pleasantly surprised how easy it is... have supplies on hand, and do it inside, if you can... a slight breeze can sneak up on ya and cause a mess... Good Luck, looking forward to before and after pics!
  22. 1 point
    Not true. Southern boys would have gone and had a few and waited for it to run out of gas.