
Whats your workspace look like?

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I could show mine but my wife would kill me if I showed the whole house I have taken over, hect there is even an extra roll of banner under our bed so I guess that just leaves the bathrooms without my touch

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We have 2 Bathrooms.. One for Everyone.. and The Master Bedroom / Office Bathroom and that one is Kinda my Dark Room to expose my screens for screen printing!! :)

I think i have something in every room of the house.. This is our Living Room.. yep my NEW Epson 1430 Taking over almost the whole entertainment System!


See i do care i even kept up our wedding picture :) and the Wooden Flowers i got her last year so they won't die! .. :)


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<3 a good women that can put up with this crazy hobbie!  When all we do is just take over!

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I was going thru some old files and found this..

This is when i had NO Office but i had to use my kitchen and my living room to work out of..

I had a church come to me on a friday and want shirts by sunday 60 shirts total..

They brought me the shirts!..  wanted names on the front and numbers on the back.. HTV on all them!

it was a busy 2 days i made my wife week them all..

just crazy!

Wow Seejay...just wow!!

My wife throws a fit for a few boxes of vinyl and flute signs in the living room corner! No way she would allow me to use the kitchen and other areas as a workspace!

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Wow Seejay...just wow!! My wife throws a fit for a few boxes of vinyl and flute signs in the living room corner! No way she would allow me to use the kitchen and other areas as a workspace!

I do have a lovely wife


I have everything everywhere lol 


We just moved into a new trailer a year ago 3 bed 2 bath 

The smallest room is like 8x10  well that is our room   yes a Full KING SIDE sleep number bed and we have a whole 3 inches on each side of the bed.. good thing i could build the bed inside the room ! when we moved in lol 


my daughters room is like 10x10 .. 

and my office is the Master Bedroom  14x16 :) and the bathroom connected to the office is my dark room hehe 


I'm a stay at home dad and work partime as a taxi dispatch out of the office.. 

I like that 2 bedrooms are on one side of the trailer and the office is on the total other end of the house

So i can have my LOUD MH721 running anytime of day even if the wife and daughter are sleeping!

I even have a futon in my office that umm.. i fall asleep on if i'm working late hehe

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I do have a lovely wife


I have everything everywhere lol 


We just moved into a new trailer a year ago 3 bed 2 bath 

The smallest room is like 8x10  well that is our room   yes a Full KING SIDE sleep number bed and we have a whole 3 inches on each side of the bed.. good thing i could build the bed inside the room ! when we moved in lol 


my daughters room is like 10x10 .. 

and my office is the Master Bedroom  14x16 :) and the bathroom connected to the office is my dark room hehe 


I'm a stay at home dad and work partime as a taxi dispatch out of the office.. 

I like that 2 bedrooms are on one side of the trailer and the office is on the total other end of the house

So i can have my LOUD MH721 running anytime of day even if the wife and daughter are sleeping!

I even have a futon in my office that umm.. i fall asleep on if i'm working late hehe


Wow sounds like you got it made lol!  I keep my work limited to the 12x14 spare bedroom "office" and garage for large projects and signs. She pretty much gets control of the rest of the house except for my mancave/drum room...which is my getaway when im not in the office haha.

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This is my work space. I am not as full time as the rest of you but I am getting closer.



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Here's my work area. My office which also includes my GF's desk (not in pic)  



And here's my dinning room.  Where I lay everything out and tape it up. 



I also work in the garage where my blast cabinet is.  

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I do have a lovely wife


I have everything everywhere lol 


We just moved into a new trailer a year ago 3 bed 2 bath 

The smallest room is like 8x10  well that is our room   yes a Full KING SIDE sleep number bed and we have a whole 3 inches on each side of the bed.. good thing i could build the bed inside the room ! when we moved in lol 


my daughters room is like 10x10 .. 

and my office is the Master Bedroom  14x16 :) and the bathroom connected to the office is my dark room hehe io


I'm a stay at home dad and work partime as a taxi dispatch out of the office.. 

I like that 2 bedrooms are on one side of the trailer and the office is on the total other end of the house

So i can have my LOUD MH721 running anytime of day even if the wife and daughter are sleeping!

I even have a futon in my office that umm.. i fall asleep on if i'm working late hehe

That master bedroom is seperated for a whole different noise then a vinyl cutter lol. I have a great woman also but if I tried to take over another room( I have, the smallest room the den as my office) I would probably end up sleeping in my wood shop or vinyl shop

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here is my whole office.. yep the master bedroom in our trailer! :)

the wife let me TAKE it all now.. no more desk of hers..

she still needs to use my desk to do school work but.. 

Wondering where I'm going to put my Epson 7600 when i bring it home next week!


Yep it's a little messy!







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Here's my workspace. Nothing fancy, of course. Most of my work is pretty small so I just use the buffet area in my kitchen to weed and do the application tape. I'm still figuring out the vinyl storage, for now it's mostly standing un in a bookshelf, boxes, or the floor. I keep my transfer tape in the cupboard. I frankensteined some boards and rollers behind my machine instead of forking over $150 for a stand and it works great!

I love the home made roller and the plotter stand!

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I know this post is all most a year old but I was on here looking for ideas on how to rearrange my work space so I figured I would share mine after I was done moving and adding more stuff took about 7hrs


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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="DNA_Vinyl" data-cid="383919" data-time="1422363430"><p>

Nice...and that's an awesome light table.</p></blockquote>

Thanks, got the light table from Amazon works good.

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What did the light table set ya back?

I think it was a little over $200

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Thought I would post pics of the light table since a few of you liked it just in case you're in the market for one got mine on Amazon and it's on sale right now.



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Cool.  Thank you.  Yours is the black with the white glass?


I got the clear glass and added a sheet of paper under the glass. 

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My cutter sits in the dining room and the 8 x 3 foot dining table doubles up for weeding etc. It's only a very small room in a very small house, but for a house built in 1770 it could be worse :rolleyes:

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