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Is there a good software program that will vectorize images easily? I use inkscape and trace bitmap, but whether the "smooth" or "smooth corners" boxes are selected or not, the image always turns out funky.






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Fonts are traced as a last resort.  Find the font..and use it. 


Most all vector programs will require some clean up of nodes after vectoring..It takes practice.   I thought Inkscape was pretty good .the few times I used it.    Scalp has a vector program as well as Vinyl Master..  Then there are others like Vector Magic, which you also will have to pay for. 


There are some good tutorials out there for it.  And youtube videos

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I'm with skeeter - never trace a font - find it and use the font for the cleanest results

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As others said, don't trace a font. From the image you posted however, looks like you also need to tweak your trace settings. It appears you were using either Color Quantization, or one of the Multiple Scans options. For a simple black and white image you want to use the Brightness cutoff. I usually start my threshold to 0.65 and the adjust as needed. Tweaking the items on the Option tab can help as well. But getting a good trace of a font is nearly impossible.

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