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If you have a vector graphic but can't cut the right objects, I can make it cut-ready.

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Hi I'm Jude and have been drawing vector files since 2000 for the sign, engraving and print industries.

If you have a vector graphic but can't cut the right objects, I can make it cut-ready.

Raster to vector conversion is what I do. If you need a bitmap image "cleaned" up and redrawn in vector format I can help. Even if you don't have the actual graphic (e.g. if you only have a photo of a truck with the graphic sign on the truck) I can reproduce the vector art. I can be your online "fix this graphic" person.

See samples

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Some nice work on your site, especially the vector conversions. I am a master at Vectorization and I love doing it. It takes longer than people think but it depends on what you are using the design for. Anyway, keep up the good work Gomez

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