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Guest PDG

Easy Weed cuts through letter forms

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Guest PDG

Does the easy weed feature always cut through the adjacent letter forms, or am I missing something. New to this software, not that impressed so far.

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Does the easy weed feature always cut through the adjacent letter forms, or am I missing something. New to this software, not that impressed so far.

You are missing something.  

TBO many people just draw some cut lines at appropriate places and skip the easy weed feature. Sometimes I even just hand cut between text lines depending on the complexity of the job. I always did it that way when I had my first cutter because the cutter accuracy was low and it would nick into letters and places accidentally from off tracking.

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The only thing I use weed lines for is small text.  I usually cut large designs, so I use an exacto knife and make cuts as I am weeding my design. If you have a low budget cutter, the tracking on your cutter may not track good. My cutter tracks great, Graphtec.  It also depends on how fast you are cutting. You sure would not want to be cutting fast. I always cut slow anyway, as I am reading and answering questions on here.  Always have enough vinyl pulled to do the entire order. never be pulling vinyl from the roll while cutting.

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Like Skeetz, I have always just used an xacto for placing weed lines between lines of text. My cutting jobs are normally in the 8-foot lengths for making banners & coroplast full 4x8 sheets, and I don't want to run lines 8' long through the machine, it's a sure-fire recipe for tracking to go awry. (SC2 unit).

By the way, I always run full-blast top-speed @ 800mm.

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