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What Companies do you use for supplies?

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Ohh wow sorry to hear that ....   :rolleyes:

Yeah, i'd love to use them because i'd like to get all oracal vinyl and some other stuff my supplier doesn't sell but if they are going to charge shipping like that, i'm not interested.

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What about pick up not worth it to you? ... there shop is in the Arbutus Area

It's about a hour and 10 minutes away. Not worth it really lol

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How about this Ken...if you order everything we need to keep our business' running efficiently and we ONLY ORDER THROUGH YOU...then you charge us nothing for shipping and even throw in next day service for us?  Orders over $100 of coarse! How bout' that? :rolleyes: THat way you make all the bucks and you are our one stop shop!  Thoughts?


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  Hi Dazzle ,

  As a fellow business owner , What would your response be to give free shipping ? Especially if your prices were rock bottom ?  I know shipping isnt free  ( ups , Fre-Ex DHL etc seem to be making a ton of money ) , USC labor to do that is paid labor , not done by the owner like most of us . No such thing as a free lunch IMO . Sure we can go where we save a little ...but in the same theme ,  USC "could " charge ' for alot of the things they do . My 2 cents is to take care of the people that take care of us . I have seen viable business associates go out & then they are no benifit . If Marcus , Ken & Levi found something more profitable to do ( mayby go in the shipping business  :rolleyes: ) This forum would cease . I don't know what is in 2nd place behind this forum , but it is soo far behind it isn't recognizable .

Seems strange ,the cutters , software , vinyl & all supplies are dirt cheap compared to most business's , ESPECIALLy with what the decals sell for , yet constant bargaining & threads about not charging enough . Past members & Hechingger had that mentality , Home Depot & Lowe's don't have the " make alot or do nothing strategy " & what happened there ?

not saying this abrasively , just thinking outloud ( typing  ;) )

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Fellers is local to me and they always seem to be on time .... if they don't have it for pick up that day its at your house / shop next day most times .... And there outside Baltimore if you haven't used them John

Well i refuse to use Fellers since i ordered 3 yards of a color one time and they charged me like $10 shipping on it. They told me that they couldn't tell me the shipping until i gave them my CC info and i was desperate for the 3 yards of that color for a small job so i did it.

I never,EVER buy from anyone who won't show shipping before they get my credit card info. There is NO GOOD REASON why they can't show shipping charges first. There are a bunch of FREE shipping calculators out there that a person can add to a website.

Anyway,everything I have checked on so far, Fellers is anywhere from 10-30% HIGHER than my local supplier. Of course,this is based on what others have told me of Fellers' prices... I can't view their online catalog without signing up as a customer,which is not only STUPID but kinda fishy to me. Seems like they don't want your business without getting their hooks into you. Or maybe they just don't want business at all. They sure won't ever get mine.

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Roger LOL, Of coarse I was only kidding and as a fellow BO, shipping sometimes cost way more than the product itself so this kind of business wouldn't be a business but a costly hobby!

Good to hear from you BR :rolleyes:


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Nice to hear from you also BDC ,  :rolleyes:

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Yea, if we had a larger margin on the products we offer, we might be able to offer something like that, but instead we choose to sell below cometitors prices, and we are pushing it with a flat rate shipping as it stands.  :rolleyes:

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  :rolleyes: that is good Business sense !!! Dinosaurs like Hechingers refused to compete with Home Depot that has business policies like USC . I'm looking forward to USC doing better & overtaking companies that adhere to the " Dinosaur " policies  . Mayby sponsor us in some sort of racing  ;)  ( Levi could do the commercials dancing in MC Hammer pants ;)  ;) ) I don't use much supplies , but I'll buy what you guys sell !!!

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Fellers is local to me and they always seem to be on time .... if they don't have it for pick up that day its at your house / shop next day most times .... And there outside Baltimore if you haven't used them John

Well i refuse to use Fellers since i ordered 3 yards of a color one time and they charged me like $10 shipping on it. They told me that they couldn't tell me the shipping until i gave them my CC info and i was desperate for the 3 yards of that color for a small job so i did it.

I never,EVER buy from anyone who won't show shipping before they get my credit card info. There is NO GOOD REASON why they can't show shipping charges first. There are a bunch of FREE shipping calculators out there that a person can add to a website.

Anyway,everything I have checked on so far, Fellers is anywhere from 10-30% HIGHER than my local supplier. Of course,this is based on what others have told me of Fellers' prices... I can't view their online catalog without signing up as a customer,which is not only STUPID but kinda fishy to me. Seems like they don't want your business without getting their hooks into you. Or maybe they just don't want business at all. They sure won't ever get mine.

Would be the first time I have ever heard of a company asking for your credit card number before disclosing the costs involved- including shipping. Very strange...

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well, from what I am seeing,there is a lot of 'strange' about Fellers.

and ken....$10 flat rate shipping no matter what or how much you buy is just about the best deal I've heard of. If it wasn't for the distance and the week's delivery time, I'd be buying all my supplies from US Cutter.

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well, from what I am seeing,there is a lot of 'strange' about Fellers.

and ken....$10 flat rate shipping no matter what or how much you buy is just about the best deal I've heard of. If it wasn't for the distance and the week's delivery time, I'd be buying all my supplies from US Cutter.

We have been successful in using a shipping fullfillment center based out of Chicago, which should only mean 1-2 day delivery to you, and most of the East Coast. Time will tell, but I am thinking we will continue to use a fullfillment center closer to the East Coast to offer quicker shipping times to y'all. Also might have more products available through the fullfillment center.

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We order most supplies from Fellers and never have had a problem with shipping costs. Seems pretty cheap as most of the time its under $10 shipping.. Although 95% of our orders are over thier $75 and you get free shipping plan.

Dont order from Sign Warehouse... read my post in the other thread..

Yea KEn what is shipping time from you guys to Indiana? and do you ship out same day the order is placed if ordered by noon or something

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well, from what I am seeing,there is a lot of 'strange' about Fellers.

and ken....$10 flat rate shipping no matter what or how much you buy is just about the best deal I've heard of. If it wasn't for the distance and the week's delivery time, I'd be buying all my supplies from US Cutter.

We have been successful in using a shipping fullfillment center based out of Chicago, which should only mean 1-2 day delivery to you, and most of the East Coast. Time will tell, but I am thinking we will continue to use a fullfillment center closer to the East Coast to offer quicker shipping times to y'all. Also might have more products available through the fullfillment center.

Really?:rolleyes: So what items are shipped from Chicago? I might start ordering it all from you.. Hell we get 2-3 orders a week from fellers.

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We order most supplies from Fellers and never have had a problem with shipping costs. Seems pretty cheap as most of the time its under $10 shipping.. Although 95% of our orders are over thier $75 and you get free shipping plan.

Dont order from Sign Warehouse... read my post in the other thread..

Yea KEn what is shipping time from you guys to Indiana? and do you ship out same day the order is placed if ordered by noon or something

Shipping from our warehouse to IN is about 4 day. We do have the option of expidited shipping, which is considerably more than the $9.99 flat rate, however.

Shipping from the Chicago fullfillment center to IN is probably 1-2 day at the flat rate charge.

We only stock some cutters and sample packs of vinyl in Chicago at this time, but it seems to be going well, so we may decide to stock more of the popular items at our fullfillment center.

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If you can get me 651 vinyl to me in 1-2 days, ill switch from fellers for Intermediate Vinyl!  Fellers is still my vinyl in a pinch company!

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