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About constricted

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  1. constricted

    Mac USB 3.1 Type "C" ports

    I use a TC cutter with Sure Cuts Alot 3 Pro on my 2018 macbook pro with usb 3.1 ports. I use an anker USB C to USB 3.0 adapter and have no issues
  2. Thanks, I found that eBay link prior to posting this. I already bought it, so i'll see if it works in a week when it gets here. It's really the principle that ticked me off.. I spent a lot of money on the Roland and it came missing an essential piece for it to work... If it was missing something like a usb cable I wouldn't even care, but now I have to rely on an aftermarket ac adapter. Hopefully it works and doesn't fry the machine
  3. So I purchased a Roland CAMM-1 GS-24 from UScutter about 3 years ago. I had a lot going on at the time; I moved out from my parents house, had to do a good amount of work on the new house and whatnot. I had my TC cutter setup for the occasional jobs I got and never got around to to unboxing and setting up the the Roland (I work 6 days a week, sunday is my day to do stuff around the house). So this Sunday I had nothing to do around the house so I decided to unbox the Roland and get it setup.. I unbox it and to my disappointment there was no ac adapter or power cable anywhere in the box. I removed everything from the box and they aren't there. I know its on me for not unboxing it for 3 years, but still those items should be included. I know have a brand new expensive machine I can't even use. I contacted USCutter about the issue Sunday, but have yet to get a response.
  4. constricted

    Purchasing issues

    i've never had a problem with checking out
  5. constricted

    New business sign

    looks great! my only nitpicking would be to move up "Daycare" and "Training" a few inches so the URL wouldn't seem so tight
  6. constricted

    creating a 3d drop shadow outline

    create your text, convert it to outlines.. duplicate that layer two times so you now have a total of 3 layers.. leave the top layer alone (lock the layer, this will be the chrome text).. then on the middle layer, apply a stroke (black) and then convert the stroke to an outline and merge all the points on the middle layer. now goto the bottom layer (the black dropshadow) and place that how you want it.. Now you need to merge all points from the bottom and middle layer together. You'll be left with the top layer (chrome text) and the bottom layer (black stroke + dropshadow merged together) it's pretty simple, just awkward to explain
  7. constricted


    i'm not sure what you ordered but FYI the 9.99 shipping doesn't apply to packages 70+ lbs and machinery (cutters, heatpresses, printers, etc..)
  8. constricted

    Perpetual Syncing

    I run a different setup than you (usc tc + mac + scal pro ) but i remember having a similar syncing issue after upgrading osx awhile back.. had to revert back to my old setup. Pretty sure it was an issue with SCAL pro.. After that happened, whenever there's an osx update I backup my entire drive (just incase) and then apply the new osx update.. i know that doesn't help your current situation but it's a little tip for future reference
  9. constricted


    if it's only printed on the front, use your regular desktop printer and print your contact information on the back?
  10. constricted

    Cutting and layering multiple decals at a time

    i would try using some parchment paper..throw that ontop of your first layer, then you can slide your second layer around to get the alignment set..tape a hinge, lift the hinge and remove the parchment paper and your set.. repeat process for each layer
  11. constricted

    Finally got a Upgrade

    great deal, even if it was used previously
  12. constricted

    Looking for someone who can vectorize this quickly please.

    I started learning this kind of stuff on my own when I was 11 (i'm 29 now)... resources such as google weren't nearly as abundant as they are nowadays hey guys, do my work quickly please? for free while i profit off you
  13. constricted

    Looking for someone who can vectorize this quickly please.

    The entire process of figuring out what font it is, finding/downloading and installing the fonts if you don't already have them, and recreating the logo should take no more than 20 minutes (i'm being generous with the time). This is an extremely simple task. Not trying to be an a$$hole, but I'm going to second the opinion that you might be in the wrong business.. and that's coming from someone who does this mostly as a hobby lol 2 great resources :
  14. constricted

    First Wrap

    the quality of the install looks good to me i'm just not sure why blue was chosen? black would've looked sweeeet