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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2025 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    The only thing I use weed lines for is small text. I usually cut large designs, so I use an exacto knife and make cuts as I am weeding my design. If you have a low budget cutter, the tracking on your cutter may not track good. My cutter tracks great, Graphtec. It also depends on how fast you are cutting. You sure would not want to be cutting fast. I always cut slow anyway, as I am reading and answering questions on here. Always have enough vinyl pulled to do the entire order. never be pulling vinyl from the roll while cutting.
  2. 1 point
    "Vevor" generally works properly with SignMaster software. Try utilizing a Virtual Com Port (stm32) in order to get it recognized. https://quadmeup.com/stm32-virtualcomport-driver-for-windows (This "Tracy" comes along with minimal information and into a thread from a decade ago, so let's assume this is just another newbie who pops in, then disappears)
  3. 1 point
    OK, so the word 'moribund' may be too feeble of a description for what this Forum has become. Perhaps 'cadaver' would be better? Anyway, I'll keep on plugging away, between the spammer onslaughts and lack of interest generally. As we approach the fly-by-night event of Dec 24th and the subsequent Christmas Day, (with the coinciding Hanukkah festival) here's a bunch of graphics for FREE, courtesy of Font Dings! https://www.fontspace.com/category/christmas,dingbats
  4. 1 point
    OK, I know this Forum has gone moribund, but I thought it might be fun to start a thread for members to voice their opinions on what would constitute the Best Deal at USCUTTER for gifting during the Holidays. So many great items exist, from stocking-stuffers to big boxes of fun! This is the one I want Santa to bring me --- at a ridiculous price point of $340. (actually the machine itself is really just $199 if you take into account that the software bundles is valued at $60 and the included stand/media basket combo is worth probably $80 by itself). https://uscutter.com/refurbished-34-mh100-vinyl-cutter-with-stand-and-software