
Help...blade holder problems...

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i got a mini-cutter the other day and have been having problems with the blade, while cutting a design, it will barely touch the vinyl on one side and completely cut through the base on the other  :P

i read the blade adjustment thread and it says that the blade should barely stick out of the holder, and on mine, it sticks out quite a bit, i have tried pushing it in, but no luck. are there different lengths of blades? am i missing something?

please help out a cutter noob


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you should be able to screw a part on the blade holder down well actually out to make less of the blade stick out

Blade adjustment would be my first guess as well !  :)

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this is what im looking at




the black plastic screw-on part is screwed in all the way and the blade still sticks out.

my understanding is that the blade holder should go on the carrier like so:


but like that, the blade is too low

so i set it up like this


but the carrier screw is actually holding the plastic part of the blade holder, so its not adjusted correctly and i'm guessing that is why it cuts unevenly


:)  :)

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are you sure it's the right blade? With the holder screw out that far you should just barely have enough sticking out to see.

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is it possible to take a clear pic of the blade itself,outside of the holder? And also a closer pick,nice and clear, of the blade in the holder?

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from what I can see (blurry pictures) it almost looks as though the black cap is screwed all the way down. If that is the case you may need to unscrew it till the blade is just barely sticking out.

I do agree with banner - clearer pictures will help. Also if you could disassemble the blade holder assembly so we can get a good look at all the parts involved.

Good luck.

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disassembled blade holder


blade holder with push rod in


screwed all the way in


screwed in so only the tip shows


screwed in, zoom in

pics clickable for higher res.

what i dont understand is how unscrewing it will help because the blade would still be the same distance from the bump, meaning its still too low. also, if i unscrew it unitl the blade is barely showing, its only holding on by a thread and the cap is wobbly.


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what i dont understand is how unscrewing it will help because the blade would still be the same distance from the bump, meaning its still too low. also, if i unscrew it unitl the blade is barely showing, its only holding on by a thread and the cap is wobbly.


this is exactly how it works - the blade should only be out ever so slight - just enough to cut the vinyl and no more. I know it feels wrong, but once I got over that feeling my cutter has been working GREAT!!

Good luck on this

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when you unscrew the thing,that make less of the blade EXPOSED. The lip should be all the way against the carriage part of the holder.

After reading your first post again... I am thinking that the blade holder isn't the problem at all. If the CUTTING strip is uneven,or has a high spot, you will get uneven cutting. You need to adjust your blade as normal,the use the PRESSURE to contol how deep the cut is...make SURE that there are no high spots on the cutting strip. This happens sometimes during shipping.

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well whaddayaknow

hooray for noobies!  :)

I take it you got it working - if so -- GREAT JOB!!!!

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