
windshield arch..???

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I read the other posts but cannot figure how to get the exact numbers i need for a windshield arch. I can use the distort function but how do i make it the exact measurements i need??

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What I do is say... your windshield text needs to be 48" long, the windshield curve or drop measures 4 inches. I open my favorite sign software put in the text I want at 48" then i draw and 4" square box and place it centered to the text and right underneath the text so the top of the box and bottom of the text are just touching. Then I grab distort tool or whatever you software tool maybe called to curve the text and I curve the text down until the bottom of the text now just touches the BOTTOM of the box. You now have a 4" drop. Remove the box and cut. Should fit perfectly.

I'm sure there is many ways to do this but that is the way I do it. Works for me.  ;D

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