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New Marketing Approach, Thoughts?

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Hey, i have noticed that alot of businesses do a we pay you to display our decal on your vehicle program. I'm seeing that all over the area on backs of windows and sides of trucks.

This seems to be a great, low cost marketing approach for local business and i just wanted to see what everyone else thought of this. I'm seeing they are paying around $50 for someone to display a vinyl on their back window for X amount of time.

I'm thinking of doing a contract where you have to leave it on for a few months then you get paid or half the money you get now along with the decal installed and the other half at then end of the term with the decal taken off. Paint mask vinyl will be used since it can be easily taken off and is weather proof for a short time  :thumbsup:


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How big of a decal are we talking about?  I might do a small (4-6") decal for that amount.

Seems like a pretty good idea, but how are you going to get in touch with people to do it?  Most of the people you would ask normally (i.e. friends, family) would probably do it for free.  However, putting an ad out advertising pay-for-decal placement on vehicles could get ugly real quick..

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How big of a decal are we talking about?  I might do a small (4-6") decal for that amount.

Seems like a pretty good idea, but how are you going to get in touch with people to do it?  Most of the people you would ask normally (i.e. friends, family) would probably do it for free.  However, putting an ad out advertising pay-for-decal placement on vehicles could get ugly real quick..

I'm talking a 24inch or so decal. It costs nothing to make it so why not. a 6" decal is something i would give away with my business info on it.

How are you thinking it will get ugly?

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If you put an ad out stating you will pay people $50 to put a sticker on their cars, especially in these times, I believe the response will be overwhelming.

Another thing to think about is how much actual exposure are you going to get for that $50?  You have no way of knowing how many miles, what area, etc., a potential customer would drive.  Hell, for $50, people are going to bring up every vehicles they have that runs, put the decal on, and go park them.  Or you could end up paying $50 to someone who drives from their home to the gas station for a coffee and newspaper and back home daily and nowhere else.

That would make your $50 better spent on some coroplasts to put on well-traveled corners.  Or better yet, speak with retailers with prime locations (busy corners, etc.) and work out a deal to put a larger coro sign for the same $50.

However, I could see it working if you could make an agreement with a courier service, or something similar, that would guarantee you lots of exposure.  I am familiar with a local company that drives around filling ATM machines, they drive plain white vans.  They may be willing to work a similar deal out, however, I am guessing it would be more than $50.  I may have to check that out..

Personally, it would take a lot more than $50 to drive around with a 24" sticker on my personal vehicle for any period of time...

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I know this might be a little off the mark, maybe not, but here's a thought. some guy comes in and says "ok $50 or $25 now and $25 later, you can put it on my car." You stick it on and the guy leaves. He turns up the tune has $25 he's feelin good. Decides to cruse around, not slow, maybe exceeding the speed limit by say 15 - 20 MPH. He's passing people, changing lanes, driving a little aggressive. They see your name on the back as he flies by.

Hmm,  what kind of impression did he leave behind? What kind of damage could he do to your reputation? Would you call that number to buy something or to complain about his driving.

Personally, I don't think it's a good idea unless you can see his driving record.

Just my .02

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Hey John:  I'll give you this much.  AT LEAST YOU ARE THINKING!  Most people just sit around waiting for someone to think up a really creative way to market their goods.  So cudo's to ya  :thumbsup:

Give this a whirl in your noggin...  Since I've been doing this vinyl thing (a couple of months now), I've noticed that a LOT of restaurants do not have a decent looking store hours on their store fronts.  Some have that crummy plastic sign, while others do not have anything at all.

I saw a really nice store hours design on here a month or so ago.  You could modify it to include something like this "Compliments of Johns Graphics  (888) 888.8888"  And tell the biz owner you would give it to them for free if you could include your verbiage.

OR if you really want to spend $50, and get noticed,  you could make a specials board for the restaurant.  A black dry erase with neon markers will run you about $30 then you could vinyl up the bottom with some of your verbiage.  Then they could write their specials on the board and EVERYONE would read the sign. 

This is one of the 1st daily special menu boards I built.  I sold advertising on the bottom and placed it in restaurants as a service for them.  I basically gave them the sign to them but retained the right to sell the ads. 


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Guys, a thing I did here in Australia years ago, was too offer businesses advertising on their rubbish bins for $25.00.  I told them, where can you get advertising 365 days a year for $25.00?  7 out of 10 shops I approached  took up the offer.  

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Pappy that sign is a neat idea. Where in SC are you?


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Let me start by saying that 99% of your adverising dollar goes to waste. The trouble is that you don't which 1% is effective. If you knew who was looking for your service then you could just skip the ad, call them.

I have found that advertising on my own vehicle is very effective. I recently put a whelen logo on my trucks, and have sold more sirens because of that little sticker.

When I cut vinyl for a race car I offer a discount in exchange for a spot on the car. If you have close friends and family who are willing to help grow your business then you should ask them. Its very easy to remove the vinyl from the glass so why not use regular vinyl on it.  I have several people advertising for me without having to pay them. Yes I pay advertising as well.  I actually sell some products with my company wesite on it.

Recently I went a Firefighter seminar. In addition to the vendor fee, they require a door prize. I gave away coffee cups with my Website on one side and the event on the other side.  I make the coffe cups in house so I just paid for the cost of material. I sell glove straps for $5. They cost $3 with a tag that advertises for me.  Sometimes I give them away to big spenders and important customers.

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