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About Aniket

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  1. What can be the best way to keep vinyls? not enclosed,out in open ..away from direct sunlight ? The store from where i purchase keeps the stock out in all seasons..and we have lot of humidity in India.Nothing happens whereas the same vinyl sheet,last year ..with same designs didn't cause any problem but last month their adhesive became less. the last month samples were fine from our end ,not sure where the client kept the samples. Actually..aint using the vinyls for wall purposes but as a tattoo How much do ORACAL vinyls last before giving away ? Thanks
  2. Actually..aint using the vinyls for wall purposes but as a tattoo.the same vinyl sheet,last year ..with same designs didn't cause any problem but last month their adhesive became less. Please note that the last month samples were fine from our end ,not sure where the client kept the samples.
  3. The attached pic is the one i was talking that i think is duplicate.the current 631 series has a different alignment on the back. what can be like the best place to keep the vinyls..out in the open..away from direct sunlight? Someone did tell me that in summer the adhesiveness increases whereas in winter it decreases. How much of this is true ?
  4. Attached the pic .A new problem seem to have crop up.. Last year had bought few 631 sheets for trial and cut small designs (3mm x 3mm)on it and didn't weed it.Last month I sent it out as it is to someone in USA and they have said that the glue has decreased.Whereas Last year there was no issue about the glue(on the same vinyl) but got few complaints last month. Same vinyl used over a period of a year is giving complaints. What can be the issue? Old Vinyl? Not properly maintained ? Climate change ? Someone guide me in this please Thank You
  5. Hello I bought an oracal 631 sheet.when i saw the only has the letters " ORACAL 631 EXHIBITION"(also in a different layout) ..whereas the earlier sheet(the current ones available in market) have "ORACAL 31 EXHIBITION CAL" . Is my material duplicate or an earlier version(stock) of the same series? Google doesn't show any info about earlier edition Any info will will be highly appreciated. Thank You !
  6. Have messaged a known seller of vinyls.No reply yet.I guess its vacation time
  7. Hello I want to buy ORACAL 631 EXHIBITION CAL series.At the moment only 2 rolls.I am based in India.I would want to order to via Fedex /Bluedart. Uscutter has a policy of minimum order worth $3000 Can anyone direct me where i can get the 631 series.This is for initial samplng..we are aiming for a long term relation with the supplier..Hence regular supply Help will be much appreciated Thanks !
  8. Aniket

    ORACAL PROMOTION FILM 100 orafol ???

    however i am interested something very similar to ORACAL 631 in properties unfortunately..chinese brands have taken over the indian market and finidng oracal is very tough
  9. Aniket

    ORACAL PROMOTION FILM 100 orafol ???

    Damn..adds to the confusion..yes i have a piece left It is written "ORACAL PROMOTION FILM 100 " on the backside
  10. Aniket

    ORACAL PROMOTION FILM 100 orafol ???

    Yup ! there is no such thing like orafol promotion 100
  11. I recently bought "ORACAL PROMOTION FILM 100" from a retail shop..and liked it..but when i tried to check online i couldnt find the same Can it be duplicate or the company has stopped manufacturing 100 series and made a substitute ? Someone please help me on this
  12. Hi I am new to vinyls and have few questions regarding 631 Exhibition Cal 1.Does the entire 631 series has the same type of adhesiveness and thickness irrespective of the color ? 1.Why is this series called Matte ? Is it shiny durable or some specific reason
  13. Aniket

    Vinyl loses adhesiveness during winter ?

    because the vinyl brand i am using is from china and very thin. the plotter needle makes causes the vinyl to shake lil bit removed the vinyl and stuck it on a thick cardboard paper