I hope this finds any helpful member as I am stuck with a brick of a plotter. So, I went to update the firmware for Graphtec FC7000-130 (USB) to v2.10 (from Graphtec website) to get the perf option. Downloaded all the updates on that page (Windows 7, 64 bit) and thought I followed the instructions well, it started loading, but now it gives me 3 different errors: 1. Straight power up - [bOOT START ERROR] or 2. Power Up, holding Left & Right, goes to Update / Yes then shows [CHECK SUM ERROR] or 3. Power Up, holding Left & Right, goes to Update / Yes then shows [PLEASE SEND PRGM] - I hit PRINT from the Data File Output Utility and [Cannot Access Output Destination] Pops up. What Gives? What should I do next? I attached a screen shot of all the relevant info I could fit. Please feel free to contact me by whatever means are most convenient to you. My contact info is below. Thanks for your help! Alex Wojciecowski Socha Visual Inc. alex@sochavisual.com (415) 508-5927