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Everything posted by Cal

  1. Good evening, and Happy New Year to everyone here! I always use the print head on scrap paper before changing to knife & vinyl. Is it possible to use the SC model as a "regular printer"? My daughter downloads sewing patterns (usually in PDF) and today we needed some larger paper than my regular printer can handle. No problem, says I, I can just download it into AI and print on the SC. I couldn't figure out how to do it. So, is there a way to install the SC into the printers list of my computer (a MAC)? Thanks, Cal
  2. Thanks Scott, I will try that out this weekend. Cal
  3. Cal

    A little something I whipped up...

    Nice work Jason, don't be shy about posting up some more! Cal
  4. Cal

    Etching Project

    Good job all around Jay! Cal
  5. Cal

    first cuts with my new machine

    Very nice! Cal
  6. Great post jaybird, and kudos to David and USCutter. My wife & I had a Christmas trip last week. I made it a point to call the customer service line for one of the hotel chains we stayed in (Hilton group) and gas station/convenience store (Raceway {in SC no less}) and tell them how pleased we were with the hotel we stayed at and cs we gassed up at. Not to bitch & complain, but to tell them those particular operations were top notch and will be visited again on our travels. Cal
  7. Cal

    40th Wedding Anniversary Plate

    Thank you for the follow up with the technique! Cal
  8. Cal


    Good tips here! Was in Atlanta last week and found a couple colors that the local H.L. didn't carry. The mirror that I did use this one got great reviews... Cal
  9. Cal

    peace sign

    Thanks! Cal
  10. Cal

    A new etching and glass work

    Thanks for sharing this Bob, both the pic, the jpeg, and the finished product!!! Cal
  11. Cal

    40th Wedding Anniversary Plate

    Nice job! How did you do the ribbon? And, was the etching done on the bottom of the plate or on the top side? Cal
  12. Cal

    Another Newbie Question

    I've used a lot of scrap less than 4" wide... I figure if I can get both rollers on it that it will feed straight and haven't had any problems. Cal
  13. Cal

    So How Old Are You Really?

    Look around the room... if there is a commode, you might have went in to pee! Cal
  14. Busterbay, that's a cool avatar you have there. Hope you don't mind, I copped it to use on another site I belong to! j/k Cal
  15. Cal


    Thanks theresat, I picked up a tube at Hobby Lobby last night and tried it out. I think by the time I was done that I had as much on me as I did the mirror!!! I did like the results though. I wonder, can you "over apply", or rub it too much on application? On my test piece I really rubbed it in and buffed it immediately and didn't get much color left. On my good pieces I just rubbed it in first and left it to dry awhile before buffing it. Cal Scott, like your new avatar. I can relate to it... Have a safe trip
  16. Cal

    Holiday Craft Ideas

    Linda1 - Those look cool. Is it like building a ship in a bottle, or what? Cal
  17. Cal

    Looking for a good gnome

    Thanks Bob & Skarekrow, Cal
  18. Cal

    art work for bar mirrors

    Thank you, Bob! Cal
  19. Cal

    More glass pieces

    Wow, nice work! How long did it take to weed that dragon? I am not going to show the wife that pistol or she will be hounding me for one! Cal
  20. Cal

    First Ceramic Tile

    Very nice! Is it etched & painted, or all decals? Please tell us (or newbie me) what the process was. Thanks, Cal
  21. Cal


    Thanks for the link Scott! Would the rub 'n buff be suitable for use on a glass? It wouldn't wash off? Do you have to use the glass surface prep under this if used in the etched area? Next time I am in Atlanta I will see if the Blick store carries it. Thanks again, Cal
  22. Cal


    Scott, what is this "rub 'n buff" you speak of? I have tried to google it, and search for it on us cutter without success... Thanks, Cal
  23. Cal

    All This Talk About Etching....

    For practice I usually grab a glass jar out of the recycle bin, or a piece of scrap plexiglass. Cal