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About JPVinylDesign

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/19/1983

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    Kingsley, Pa 18826

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  1. Working on some T-Shits and then on to playing with Camo vinyl.

  2. JPVinylDesign

    Question from a noobie

    oh ok. Have to look. Kinda new here learning how to use this forum yet. Ill look into it.
  3. JPVinylDesign

    Question from a noobie

    <div>CAMO Pattern Woodland.svg</div> There we go. I think that worked. But anyways. Its also in your inbox.
  4. JPVinylDesign

    Question from a noobie

    Sorry just got home from work. I will send you the .svg file here in a min. Sorry I couldn't send it earlier. I send you a PM with the attached file. Its woodland Camo. And I had to convert it to .SVG for you. So you should be able to use it.
  5. JPVinylDesign

    New to forums but have been with USCutter for almost a year now.

    No these signs are pretty much just gas and oil safety signs for some locations. Pretty much just stating, fr clothing required, speed limit 5, DANGER hydro testing in progress. They only really work during the day here so that is all they require. No special materials needed. But if it were required. I would be glad to do it for them but of course for the increased fees of the supplies. Sorry it took so long to get back to you all. I posted and then never rechecked the topic. Thank you all for the warm welcome.
  6. JPVinylDesign

    Have a few for ya. Nothing special

    Ahhh ok. As far as I know they are fully up and running agin I know there are cars there everytime I go by. So I am guessing they are open. I know they remodeled a little after the first flood. Dont know what they did after the second. I know the first was the worst. Ill have to stop in there and see how it looks and all.
  7. JPVinylDesign

    Question from a noobie

    I already have Inkscape. Kinda switch between the 2 depending on what I am doing. I think personally Inkscape vectorize better then Corel for some things. Plus editing nodes seems to be easier in ink. That would be great if you could do that for me. Will greatly appreciated.
  8. JPVinylDesign

    Question from a noobie

    I would be able to do that however I do not know how to use corel to do this. This is the problem. I though about placing the graphic over the camo vector file that I have but just sure how to do it correctly to be able to remove the rest of the vector. Still earning corel. Does anyone know how to do this kinda of thing might be helpful later on.
  9. JPVinylDesign

    Have a few for ya. Nothing special

    I do understand what you are saying. This price was for them. I work for them. And they have helped me here and there with a few things. And such. Was more of a favor. Trust me I do charge more. I try to use a formula I found online which works well for decals and stickers and such. But other then that I would have charged a minimum of around $350-$400. Which is still around the quote they were given from a competitor minus the vinyl removal fee (old vinyl). The banners and such that I make are sill giving me over a 30-70% profit. So the banners I am not worried about. Bigger banners will be a bit higher of course. depends on vinyl consumption. But back to the service truck. I have also done the tailgate that was replaced on the salesmens truck for Taylor rental as well. That was the same logo you see on the doors of the service truck. That I charges around $130. But doing the service truck got me a vendor position for Taylor Rental and has also opened up sales for me in store. I make there safety signs and custom safety gear for some of the construction companies in the area. All sold threw Taylor Rental. I make money they make money and the customer is happy. Thank you for you concerns. I am very open to suggestions. As I am still learning. I never thought about what would happen if I were to grow to a point where I would need a bigger space with it own bills. That is an eye opener, definitely something to think about. Thanks again. I will check with the local shops to find out what they are charging and for what. I know of 3 sign shops in my area and at least 1 person I know who does vinyl from in house. I will check around. That is funny I am guessing you are from my area. I use to work at Dobb's cooking there breakfasts. LOL. Do not mind it at all. Have not eaten there since the floods though. Guessing you are someone I may know. Thanks again guys. I love feedback. Have a good night.
  10. JPVinylDesign

    Have a few for ya. Nothing special

    Thank you for the compliment. Greatly appreciated. I am still working on my prices a bit. 20% sounds fair. I will have to check out the comp and see how fair I can be with it without stepping on toes. I want to try to be really competitive in pricing without losing a bunch of money either. So far I am growing and word is spreading. Hopefully I can get everything down and pat where it needs to be. quality and price wise. thanks again
  11. JPVinylDesign

    Question from a noobie

    half up front is a good idea. And would work. I will try that and see how that goes. I usually dont like to do that though but in some situations may be a good idea. Anyways, is it possible to cut more then one layer of vinyl. I know its not a traditional move but has anyone tried cutting more then one layer at once. Might not be a good reason to but now im curious and dont wanna play and waste some vinyl. Ran outta scraps. Thanks for the replies guys.
  12. JPVinylDesign

    Have a few for ya. Nothing special

    They provided the file. I just had to re-size and cut pretty much. I did have to move some points around though on the vector because they were a little off but other then that. it was easy.
  13. JPVinylDesign

    Have a few for ya. Nothing special

    Here is a service truck that I have completed for Taylor Rental where I work here in my area. This was my first big job, The local shop here in my area quoted then over $500 for the job. $120 of that was to remove the old vinyls. I went on the cheap side but still made profit. I only charged $230 for vinyl and installation. But they had to remove the old vinyls. I saved all my scraps from this job and made a few decals which i sold. I came out on top. I have since made a 2x4 banner which I did for $35 for them. Local shop charges around $70 for banners that size. I thought was expensive. But I do not have overhead so I can always go cheaper. Well as much overhead as this shop does anyway. I have a free laborer. lol my soon to be wife. She does all my weeding. oh and the rear window also has accross the back " Relentless Problem Solvers"
  14. JPVinylDesign

    Question from a noobie

    Because of the fact that I have to layer the camo to get the camo pattern. then the camo pattern needs to be cut into the actual design the customer wants. I do not have the actual camo vinyl to work with otherwise it would be one cut. I do not have camo patterned vinyl. But i do have a vector for the camo pattern which i need to do first. Unless you can tell me a way to use the vector and overlay in corel the image the customer wants and then cut that. I dont know. Just thought it would be easier for me to lay the camo pattern and then make the actual cut.
  15. JPVinylDesign

    Helmet Designs

    Ahhh ok makes sense. I do not do a whole lot of contoured media. Well vehicle surfaces but never helmets. Thanks for the info.