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About Dragonduster

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  • Birthday March 21

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  1. Dragonduster

    machine wont cut as desired

    my cutter is a SC UScutter and i read that i should use liyu drivers (before it was redsail) with signblazer. the exposed blade is fine as i checked that from the start and doing the cut tests i barely saw the marks in the backing paper. "add a little over cut in your cutting software." i havent made this but i think i should try this too.
  2. when i send the design (its a rectangle with the corners rounded) to cut it will always finish like in the picture (red circle) and the line should cut where the green line goes, i did a test cut (from the machine) and it made the square and diamond shape cut fine, i checked the design and its fine, i tried with the pen and plain paper and the drawing was correct, i checked with cutting pressure with 800g, 400g, 200g, 45g and all finish the same, i have always used redsail but tried liyu with the same end i dont know what may cause this since the design is fine, doing a test cut is fine and everything i try ends fine, but when i start to cut the job, it ends like that. i have the SC uscutter machine and using SignBlazer v6.0.5
  3. Dragonduster

    Action tac have expiring date?

    I bought this action tac from uscutter a Long time ago and i want to use it with a screen protector of my smartphone so i can place it correctly but since i bought it more than 5 years ago, will it still work the same?
  4. Dragonduster

    HELP!! cutter makes 2 diagonal cuts that mess my vinyl

    mmmmmmmm......... i had to cut the image in half, doing the tile didn't work
  5. Dragonduster

    HELP!! cutter makes 2 diagonal cuts that mess my vinyl

    nop, didn't work, what can i do to make more ground?
  6. Dragonduster

    HELP!! cutter makes 2 diagonal cuts that mess my vinyl

    mmmmmm.... i had a little cable for the static but i need a bigger cable i guess, i will try again once i connect another cable to ground it.
  7. i was making a decal in 2 parts, the first one was cut fine, but in the second part, when i try to cut it, it will make 2 diagonal lines making that part useless and it doesnt cut it like i want. i have used the drivers of RedSail RS1120C (been using this all the time) and Copam CP2500 but i still get that line cut (attaching image of the cut) i am attaching the file here too to see if someone can figure out whats wrong with it (i made the size smaller so i can upload it, but i am cutting it to the size around 64 x 35". I am using a uscutter SC serie cutter. Untitled-2.eps
  8. Dragonduster

    what vinyl to use with Luminous sign?

    should i use translucent black too? or with solid is ok? since its black
  9. Dragonduster

    what vinyl to use with Luminous sign?

    i will help my GF with a luminous sign and i was wondering if normal vinyl would do it or do i need translucent vinyl? Will be black (most of it), red and green (like android green) attached is an image as to what i mean with luminous (like those)
  10. Dragonduster

    Translucent black vinyl

    how does it look with light from behind? i want to know how it looks using black translucent black vinyl on a iluminated sign
  11. Here where i work, a guy was installing a paper that looks like frosted glass, its not vinyl (doesnt feel like vinyl when i touch it) and as far as i know, the price of the vinyl here is around $7.50 a meter, the frosted vinyl is very expensive compared to that and the guy installing it said it was paper, anyone knows about it? Or is there a cheaper vinyl brand that sells frosted vinyl? Thanks.
  12. Thanks a lot, that link helped me.
  13. I use ..... forgot name, it's the one that doesn't has support anymore and is free, with element in the name. I have the cd of corel 3 or 5, forgot it, came with the plotter. I wanted to cut and ship them so im not the one installing and the customers would have trouble installing them.
  14. as the tittle says, lets say i have a job of a decal with 30" x 90", how do you make them? i was told to leave 1" between the cuts and overlap them but i dont know about this method.
  15. Dragonduster

    removable vinyl

    u can remove it and use it somewhere else?