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Everything posted by slice&dice

  1. slice&dice

    Mutoh 1341 sr pro

    You needed a replacement, now you have one. The entire question of "what printer to buy?" has a ton of variables to consider before making an informed answer. Your variable was -- "It fits into the space" which is a valid reason to get it. My best advice for any large-format printer owner is to assure a steady flow of work, keeping that sucker running daily, and have a supply of extra inks, because they tend to run out right at the worst time (Murphy's Law).
  2. slice&dice

    Signmaster Support

    As a rule, it's never a good idea to trace/vectorize text. That font appears to be Franklin Gothic Bold. To make that little logo thing, it's just an arrangement of skewed rectangles.
  3. slice&dice

    Signmaster Support

    Add some contrast to the original, maybe?
  4. slice&dice

    Mutoh 1341 sr pro

    Not likely that anyone who is active here operates that exact printer. It costs around $15,000, which is far outside the average budget for folks who just do some cutting and maybe a bit of printing. Anyway, you have already decided, so what input are you seeking from us? You're already a well-versed printing shop, so the principles of running such a machine are known to you.
  5. slice&dice

    Contour Wizard Issue

    Haumana, that obscure reference dates back half a century! Mama Mia, Thatsa speecy spicy meatballs.
  6. slice&dice

    Contour Wizard Issue

    We may never know... The top image seems to be a properly-determined contour (at 17%) Using a different ratio might bring it in closer to the graphic.
  7. slice&dice


    Cliff it.
  8. slice&dice

    Trying to figure this out (text highlight color)

    If anyone else (who isn't currently using SignBlazer) wants to take a look at this phenomenon, here's a link to obtain SBE. Mahalo.
  9. I rarely encounter something in SignBlazer that throws me for a loop, but this one got me today. When I select a text object, (Select tool) and then switch to Text tool, it turns color. My question is, what determines that color? It seems to change randomly, I can't figure this out.
  10. Hi there X. Let's work backwards, and see where we end up. When you first turn on the machine, it self-tests properly, right? (the grit rollers spin) Then, you have the machine RESET, and it spins the contact rollers, right? In Local mode, you have no problem with the X axis (carriage tracking) on the keypad, right? When you exit Local mode, did you do so by just hitting the Origin button? Let's try to figure this out. We love a challenge.
  11. slice&dice

    Pii-60 cutter Help!!!!

    What you are experiencing is known as "Self-Test Fail" as the machine attempts to engage the three movement directions (side to side carriage, back and forth rollers, and up and down cutting spindle) My best guess on this problem is either a power-supply error, or a motherboard glitch (circuitry).
  12. slice&dice

    CP-2500 software help

    Why wouldn't it work? Here's a download link -------->
  13. slice&dice

    CP-2500 software help

    The SignBlazer software program will operate your machine; Copam models are included. Also, you may find a Virtual Com Port useful for USB connection -- Pazhalusta.
  14. slice&dice

    MH 871 vinal shifts during print

    I hate to ask this, but are you unwinding the vinal vinyl off the roll first, or is the machine pulling from the roll as it works?
  15. No. Nobody here has that machine. However, let me try to assist. Assuming it's a regular cutter, operating with HPGL (or some variation) then it may be possible to get the unit to respond using SignBlazer and using LiYu model in the setup.
  16. Go, look at the Roland. We aren't there, we cannot evaluate that unit.
  17. slice&dice

    Help required with flexi sign

    This one is beyond my pay grade. Thanks for the assist, Skeetz. Hopefully that solves it.
  18. slice&dice

    Help required with flexi sign

    As simple as this entire design is, I would just recreate it, takes a few minutes. (Hardest thing here is the 'heartbeat' line, but there's plenty of vector graphics on the web to use for this, or just use the polyline tool and draw it).
  19. slice&dice

    Help required with flexi sign

    While not relevant to this discussion, the oval with 'nac' annoys me due to its tilt. Jussayyin'.
  20. slice&dice

    Help with this font

    Had to look at my calendar to verify that this isn't 1862. Obviously, 'Thompson' and 'Chiropractic' are not the same text.
  21. slice&dice

    New - upstate NY & want to get started!

    Although you'll be tempted to go with the "mini" units, highly discourage you from that. Take a look at your space and somehow squeeze in a 24" SC2 cutter. You'll be forever grateful not to have limited yourself down to the tiny dimensions of those 12" models. No discernable lingering odor from the vinyl, it's not toxic-level (noticable sometimes, but no biggie). I kinda like it. But then again, I also am comfortable pumping gasoline and inhaling deeply! Vinyl for automotive glass? 751 cast. ( I just got a full roll of it, paid $300.) Remember that windshields are not flat, they run in several axis and curves, you have to get used to arcing text to follow those dimensions. (All design programs will allow you to arc text). Don't forget, it's not just the cutter sitting there in your workspace, also a computer and a table for weeding & taping (and dropping onto substrates, as required). And tools. Rulers, knives, scissors, squeegees, pickers, tape measure, masking tape, bubble level, etc.
  22. slice&dice

    Stops during cuts

    I'm late to this thread, but I had an idea to throw out here. It's possible that your design has a thing called a "Stray Node" -- I had an MH unit that stopped suddenly while working on a particular job, and my efforts to anti-stat didn't help (MH models are notorious for static build-up). I eventually looked deeper into the design within the program, and discovered a stray node. That's probably not what you're dealing with, because the pen trace works OK, but stranger things have happened in this plotter business!
  23. Get the seller to throw in the app tape and vinyl. Let us know how this turns out. We love pig-in-a-poke troubleshooting!
  24. I am a big proponent of hard negotiations, offer $500 and show them the money in your hand. If they want this monstrosity sitting around (how many buyers for vinyl cutters are they going to encounter?) then that's their prerogative, but here you are, at their doorstep ready to haul it outta there, and turn over 5 benjamins for the privelege. That being said, is the seller not providing you a working demonstration before you pack it up?