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  1. Scratchthejeepguy

    camo vinyl

    Anyone have any experience with some good vinyl that has a camo print on it that will cut on like my SC2? Not HTV, this will be going on glass or plastic.
  2. Scratchthejeepguy

    Quick Sublimation job anyone?

    I don’t have any way to do this but am wanting a gift for my daughter turning 21 in a few weeks. I’m looking for one of those insulated tumblers or something like that, with some text and something about Italy on it. I’ll draw up the design, I just need someone to supply the product and put the image on it, then ship it to me. anyone interested?
  3. Scratchthejeepguy

    I want to make a few stickers.

    We’ll here’s the thing… what really prompted me to this was that I need a new printer anyways. I don’t mind paying extra for a printer that can do other things, but I’ve never had a laser printer. besides that, the only thing I’d have to buy is a roll of clear vinyl. I did find out that you can laser print on 651 with excellent results.
  4. Scratchthejeepguy

    I want to make a few stickers.

    I want to make a few small printed stickers, not decals, and I'm wondering if I'm thinking it out correctly. Let me know if this will work or what changes I should make. First, using white Oracal 651 vinyl, I will cut out some 8.5"x 11" sheets. Then draw up my sticker in VM. Using a laser printer, I'll print it onto those vinyl sheets with registration marks for contour cutting. Using Oracal 651 clear (I think it's color 000?) I would laminate the sheets, not covering the registration marks. Using the VM contour cutting wizard, I create an offset, and cut them out using my SC2. I've done this with my inkjet printer, printer paper, and the pen tool, and it seems to work great, but I don't have a laser printer and haven't used the clear vinyl before. Questions: 1. Has anyone here done this before? 2. Can Oracal 651 be printed on successfully? 3. Is Oracal 651 color 000 what I want to use for this? 4 How long will the color will last in the sun or can I do anything different to help it last longer. 5. Do I NEED a laser printer? 6. What's the cheapest laser printer I would want to use for this, or are they all the same quality and it's just a feature game?
  5. Scratchthejeepguy

    Creating a vintage sign

  6. Scratchthejeepguy

    Creating a vintage sign

    Thanks, I've never used that stuff either. I wonder how good it works on wood... This is Oracal 651 and it left a super crisp line on the metal. No bleeding at all. I did have second (and third...) thoughts about scuffing this sign once I finished peeling off all the vinyl. It looked super good, but I was going for an aged look so I did it.
  7. Scratchthejeepguy

    Creating a vintage sign

    I think it turned out awesome and feel good about making another in full size. I'm even liking the peeled up dots all over the place, so I found a sheet of 16 gauge about that size. Then I tossed the sheet on my plasma table and cut out the shape I cleaned up both sides. It ended up being about 32" wide X 28" tall. Then did the same process that i did on the smaller one. Here's a pic of it after all the painting is done and the vinyl peeled off. I guess waiting a little dry more time helped since the white didn't come up this time. It looked so good, I had a hard time deciding if I should distress it or not. And here it is after all the distressing is done. I'm debating about putting a couple bullet holes in it, and possibly adding some rusted edges... not sure yet. When I decide where it's going, I'll figure out mounting holes. And some detail pics, I love the way it turned out, especially the black letters!
  8. Scratchthejeepguy

    Creating a vintage sign

    I wanted to create a vintage looking sign for my pole barn. I collect old Jeeps so I found some google images of what I was thinking and customized it to my liking. I have a CNC plasma cutting table as well as a vinyl cutter and thought some of you might like to see my process, maybe it'll spark some idea for someone. Now, I'm no artist by any means, but since I have a vinyl cutter, I thought I could create a stencil, then use spray paint for the color, and finally distress it to my liking. I think I'm going to make my sign about 30" high and about 25" wide and will probably make it out of 16 gauge steel, but before I cut out the shape of the sign, I wanted to make sure that my plan would work. I've had issues with using vinyl as stencils before and I've never distressed a sign either so I wanted to do a test run on a much smaller scale. I found a piece of scrap steel I had. This one is 1/8" thick and about 11" square. I cleaned it up with a wire wheel grinder then sprayed a coat of primer first, then flat white on top of that. I wasn't exactly sure of what I wanted the dealer info to say, so I drew up a few different designs in VM. I picked one, then I cut out the vinyl on my SC2 and weeded it. I used orange vinyl because "orange man bad" right? Next, I applied the transfer paper. This is only to help apply it and gets thrown away like all my hopes and dreams. I peeled off the transfer paper and used Rustoleum 2X satin spray paint for the red, blue and black. In this picture, the paints are all dry but you can see all those black specs in the white are where the vinyl peeled up some of the white exposing the steel below. I waited almost 24 hours to apply the vinyl over the white, but it's possible I didn't wait long enough. I also didn't wait long enough to start peeling off the vinyl on the blue paint at the bottom. According to my wife, I have a problem with finishing things too soon... Finally I used a green scotchbrite pad to remove some of the gloss and distress the paint.
  9. Scratchthejeepguy

    The 'blade holder' logo is no more

    Plus, wasn't it at a pretty severe angle for some weird reason?
  10. FYI, on my SC2 I run my cutter set to 400 speed, and 57 pressure. I go down to like 100-200 on very small or detailed parts.
  11. I've had an SC2 for about 3 years now and have had no problems with it. I don't cut a lot of small stuff with it but here's an anchor that has some pretty small detail and I had no problems with it. I haven't cut anything yet that was too small for my cutter. It sounds like it could be a blade depth issue like Mz Skeeter says.
  12. Scratchthejeepguy

    Where else to get blank signs?

    USCutter finally stepped up and shipped them out with rush shipping.theyre not here yet, but should be tomorrow. I'll check out Grimco though, it's good to have options.
  13. Scratchthejeepguy

    Where else to get blank signs?

    I just checked out their website and while they're site was very unimpressive, they're prices weren't. I asked for 50 each of the blank signs and stakes and they had to call me back on shipping... They called back and said shipping alone would be 85.00-90.00!?!?!?! USCutter charges 11.99? You buy regularly from these guys Dakota?
  14. Scratchthejeepguy

    Where else to get blank signs?

    I ordered a bunch of blank, 18x24, short flute, signs from USCutter last week. They sent me long flutes which I can't use for my order. I called them right when they opened the next day, sent them pictures, and they said they'd send it to their claims department and that I should expect an email with instructions on what will happen next. It's been 3 days now and I hear the same thing from them every time I call. I've had great luck with USCutter in the past but I need these signs and am looking for somewhere else to buy from. Any suggestions?
  15. Scratchthejeepguy

    Got any tips for me?

    I made one and I really like the idea, but it's a little pain to use so I went back to my normal method. I may try it again, who knows...