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Guest gracewriter

Pollitical lines merge

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Guest gracewriter

This is the first time in the last 100 possibly 200 years that republicans, democrats, liberals , conservatives, gays, straights, Muslims, Catholics, black, white, nice people and assholes , not to mention dogs, cats agree on something.  This is also the first time in the last 200 years we have enough power as citizens to actually make a difference through our unity.  And we are doing it!  Talk about a revolution!  They used to be fought with pistols, now they are fought with our wallets.

And that unequivocal, undeniable thing that's bringing us together is called:  THE PRICE OF OIIL

This is the first time I have been proud to be an American since the Bush oil barons bought the presidency. As I watch the results of oil consumption plummet a whopping 37% over the last month my heart sings with hope.  Our government doesn't know how to count votes, but they do know how to count a buck.  And when its their oil consumer's bucks drastically decreasing they have no choice but to listen listen.

Well done, America, well done!!!

They think we're stupid enough to believe the alternative fuel/gas technology they are dumping our tax dollars into, all the while knowing they are not a the viable alternatives  that will actually work (because there isn't enough profit in it),  that we'll continue to act like sheep being lead to slaughter blindly believing they have our best interest at heart

These were the same promises made back in the 70s about the same shit on finding alternative fuel resources, none of which came to fruition. (because even back then with the mile long gas lines, there was always enough oil, but when alternatives hit the scene as something viable to invest in, the middle east dropped their price of oil to a record low in fear we would find another cheaper resource which would leave them sitting on 2/3rd the world oil reserves with nowhere to go accept for what a camel could haul on its back to the nearest town)   

They won't dump our tax money into something that will actually save us money and the environment. They only seem to want to dump our tax dollars into something they already know is NOT going to work as an alternative fuel.  Just to keep us quite little "oil addicts."  So they can continue to profit off oil revenues.

The only thing they are interested in is money and profit and bottom line...and there is no money to be made in alternatives--at least the ones they seem to deem viable.  Check out who killed the EV1 electric car.  It'll make you want to throw up.  it could go twice as far as a combustible engine, at 1/2 the price.  And it was so clean there were no emissions, and relatively NO maintenance cost to us.

So  what makes me so proud to be an American now?  Americans in numbers I have never seen in my near 50 years on this planet are speaking in one united voice at the pump!! And what are they saying?  "Eff Yuuu!  "if you are going to charge me $4 and $5 a gallon of gas, I'll just cut back and won't buy it anymore!!!!  Good God, what did they expect?  I mean we're only unconscious to a point.

Personally, I have cut my gas consumption down to a quarter of what I used to use.  I should have been doing that all along, even when gas was $1.50 at the pump.  So, even if the unlikely event gas ever is that cheap again, even if I see it again in my life-time at the price of $.29 a gallon, I will continue to use as little as possible and seek viable alternatives.  As the war I have declared on oil will be for the rest of my life--but not just my life, but my children's as well--because I educate them.

Woooooosh, i really needed to vent!

I was just so excited to see American fuel consumption plummet to a 40-year low this week, it put hope back into my heart that we the people will have the final say--as it was meant as our forefathers intended it.--who never intended America to become a corporation but a country based on a balance between republican and democratic values.

We need to extricate these interlopers/lobbyists in our government and take our country back.  If not by force, perhaps by economic power.  And it looks like we are on our way.

Grace's Corner

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Vote EVERY encumbent out of office.  Everyone of about getting our country back.....nothing short of that will turn things right.

my 2 c..... rather, my vote!


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Guest gracewriter

Vote EVERY encumbent out of office.  Everyone of about getting our country back.....nothing short of that will turn things right.

my 2 c..... rather, my vote!


Woe, That was quick! 

I just posted that and was wondering if anyone would have the patience to actually read the whole thing. 

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Guest fivestar

Oh gracie I read it all, then I asked my dog what he thought since you said dogs and cats agree and he looked at me like I had 2 heads.  ;D:);D

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Guest gracewriter

Oh gracie I read it all, then I asked my dog what he thought since you said dogs and cats agree and he looked at me like I had 2 heads.  ;D:);D

That's because he's probably seeing double.  Give him some American home cooking with American home grown food and he'll perk up.

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I can honestly say there has NEVER been a day in my entire life that I have not been proud to be an American.

Proud of everything our government has done? NO. I'm also not proud of everything my neighbors have done. Nor am I proud of everything my family - or even I, myself, have done. But, they are still my family and I still love them and I am proud of them. And that's exactly the way I feel about my country. I love it and I'm proud of it.

As for fuel consumption going down, I'm thrilled. It's a wonderful result of a bad situation. It's a lesson I hope we all learn well. It's part of being a good steward. We should care for everything we've been blessed with.

And I agree with whoever said we should vote every single incumbent out office. Talk about getting some politicians' attention! That's the best message we could ever send most of those selfish jerks.

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I wouldn't t take this as a victory. less gas consumption doesn't mean revolution. in part it's the middle to lower class can't afford fuel WHHOOO HOOO but were using less of it (scarcasim intended)

Do you really think their is some nation wide rally to boycott gas. I mean i'm sure you have cut down on gas why to be a patriot no because it's expensive. So the same applies for poor people on welfare  X2. It's not being a  revolutionary to go with the financial state of the country

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  I read the whole thing and you should should become a writer!!  :)

  But I do agree with Swanee, I believe the cost has gone down because the lower and middle class just can't afford it.

  My hubby drives over 40,000 miles a year just for work (no reimbursement  ;D  )  but between that, the cost of food we just can't do as much leisure driving.  I LOVE to go on long drives just to 'get away'...not anymore, atleast not right now.

  Oh and YES vote out every encumbent...I'm all for that!  This government needs a wake up call, goodness knows we all are!!!!

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It seems like you can't get the swine out. This bungling President is going to be replaced by one of two others who have been picked by the very wealthy and the news media. We only go through a sleep-walk of Democracy. In fact the people have lost control some time ago.

I think it is vulgar the amount of money the political machines spend getting their puppets elected.

Want to see how bad things really are? Punch in your browsers "Treason Abounds" and get ready to choke.

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Guest gracewriter

Oh, but it is  a revolution of sorts.

I agree that the extremely poor aren't buying as much gas because they can't afford it.  But there are the rest of us who Choose NOT TO  buy more gas because it's cuts into our other pleasures, like cable TV, eating out, having our nails done, etc., etc., other words, we can still afford to buy it but choose not to.  Do you really think the only drop in consumption of oil is because we can't afford it? 

Think again, for many of us who have the money to spend on our "oil addiction" are making a choice, not out of necessity, but out of outrage.  And we are buying cars with better gas millage, like my husband and I just did--because we can and we're getting over being exploited .

Perhaps the word revolution was not the best choice.  Still, I see it as that, even if it is out of necessity and not a conscious choice to fight back.

I have been an American for nearly 50 years.  I have seen our government do some shameful things in those five decades especially to other 3rd world countries.  Still, never have I ever dreamed I would be ashamed to call myself one since Bush came into office.  Am I proud to be American? 

I am proud of the America that was founded on truth, compassion, fairness, ,and loving justice for all.  I am proud of my mother country and how great she once was when she stood for something meaningful to those who were not born into privilege.  These interlopers turned her into something dirty, raped and pillaged her virtue decades ago, and they were so stealthy we're only just now figuring it out.

I weep for my country because she is our one true mother, whose only wish is to nurture our sick, our poor,, our lonely and disheartened . She nurtured our ancestors, and gave them the courage to fight for the vision of not only fairness but forgiveness....She is the essence of ALL MOTHERS and our mother has been desecrated by the wolves of big business, the illegally privatized Federal reserve, the illegal collection of a national income tax to which this day can still be found in our constitution as being AGAINST THE LAW, not to mention, the money hungry crooked politicians who have put her up on the auction block to be sold to the highest bidder. 

"They" turned our America, our Sweet Mother into a whore.

So yes, I do feel shame---and you should too--(as we truly were once a great country not bent on profits,), in fact,  deep shame because of how great we once were, not only in our own eyes, but the eyes of the world.   I and can no longer hold my head high as a proud American as I once did in the same sense that used to come naturally to me without question.   

But then, many of you have not lived as long as I have...I would not wish on any one to have watched the horse drawn carriage pulling the coffin that our great president Kennedy laid rest in-- A great blow to the American psychic to have to witness in their own life-time--and they say it had nothing to do with the price of oil...But anyone who gets off their lazy ass and actually reads and researches facts about our history (which will never be taught in our school system), may perhaps take pause...but then it wouldn't be all patriotic and apple pie-like as the sleeping masses would like it to be as they slumber in Alice's Wonderland.

I am proud to be an American, but perhaps it's better said, I'm proud to be a decedent of the patriots whose vision I still hold close to my heart.  A country founded as a free society unburdened by the strangling constraints of a suffocating government religion and their ensuing puritanical morals, unholy prejudice, illegal taxation, and illegal search and seizure, etc., etc.   

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WOW girl, that was well thought out and it!!!!!

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Guest gracewriter

Thanks and good morning!  It's a great day today!  We tried out the first fuel cells and our mileage shot up to an extra 5 miles to the gallon in the truck.  And we' haven't even put the other 4 cells in yet!  Woooo Hoooo!  I never expected to get that much out of the truck, perhaps a car, but not a truck.  So I'm in an extra good mood.

Now I get to do some real vinyl work with my cutter as soon as I figure out what to say in my ads.  I wonder if I can start a thread on here asking people to help me figure out what to write.  Whacha think?

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Guest gracewriter

what are these fuel cells please tell me there not water to hydrogen contraptions

Yep, they sure are and they actually work.  How cool is that!? 

My poor truck only gets 11.8 miles per gallon without it, I'm hoping to double that by the time we get everything worked out and there's no reason why we can't now that I know the things actually work.  We have the electrical current wired into the ignition so it cuts off as soon as you turn off the vehicle.  You don't want that current continually feeding the cell when the car isn't running as it could be dangerous.  So if you're ever going to try one out, make sure you have someone with some auto mechanical knowledge installing it.

The truck actually did what they said it would do.  At first it sounded like hell, I mean coughing and chugging along and we were concerned we screwed up the truck.  But then after a few minutes, the engine just purred and you could hardly hear it running.  The performance also improved, just like they said it would.  The hydrogen actually CLEANS your engine and prolongs the life of your vehicle and the best part is there is very little emissions.

Man, I was really worried it was all bull and they were just saying this stuff just to make a buck.  But figured it was worth a try and there wasn't much to lose.  The cells are time consuming and a pain in the neck to make, the parts are hard to fine and expensive.  We also needed to make some modifications so we're ending up with a better cell than what the plans laid out.

It's a grand feeling to be able to do something to fight back with these oil companies.  Now if they would just bring back the electric car, everything would change.

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I love the idea behind them but the more research Ive done says that the amount o energy put into creating the hydrogen balances everything out so it's not a miracle cure

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Guest gracewriter

I'm not sure what you mean by that.  Could you explain it to me?

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It's basic thermodynamics theres no way that with the energy put into making the hydrogen that the yield will be more than the energy put in so there's no gain

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I disagree with Swan, only because....a vehicles electrical system produces more electricity than it needs, unless it's been modified.  So the extra electricity used to make the hydrogen, there is no additional draw on the engine!

So basically you are using the same energy and producing more energy from it.


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Guest gracewriter

It's basic thermodynamics theres no way that with the energy put into making the hydrogen that the yield will be more than the energy put in so there's no gain

Sounds like basic science what you are talking about of which I have little knowledge--thank goodness or I may not have tried the cells to begin with.  I have read heard that argument posed in several places on the net and it makes sense.  Makes me think about helicopters.  On paper they're not supposed to fly but they do.  In my truck, I shouldn't be getting five more miles to the gallon according to what you are saying, but I am, thermodynamics or not.

I just go on what works and am extremely excited that it seems to be working quite well.

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Guest gracewriter

I disagree with Swan, only because....a vehicles electrical system produces more electricity than it needs, unless it's been modified.  So the extra electricity used to make the hydrogen, there is no additional draw on the engine!

So basically you are using the same energy and producing more energy from it.


Thanks!  And thanks for explaining what Swan was trying to tell me, I think I understand it now.  Did swan mean it makes the engine work harder? because it's running better than before.  Or was Swan saying it doesn't work because it's pulling too much electricity.  I'm confused. :-

But I do appreciate Swan bringing this issue up because I'd like to know about these things and how the heck to respond.  So thanks for your input Swan it is much appreciated.  I can use all the education I can get!

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