
vinyl rolling issues and couple others

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MH 721 has been running pretty good . Have a couple of issues and couple of wierd things.

Biggest issues is with the vinyl falling off the 2 bars that hold it up. Seems at times while the cutter is cutting and the vinly is going back and forth it will just fall off. Normally no biggie but sometimes it canks the vinyl and causes it to jam up.

The other issue is when I have cut a part of the vinly out of the roll and go to use it again.  When the vinly is rolling back and forth the cut part will get stuck  either in the crevice of the "ruler" on the backside or it makes the vinly jump up and then jams up going under the roller.

Anyone esle have either happen and if so found a way to fix them ?

My other issue is that at times it seems like the cutter goes into a power save mode or something. The LCD screen disappears. Nothing on it. Power is still on but no LCD screen.  The red light is still on but no lcd. I have to turn off and back on. Pressing the buttons doesnt bring it back either. Using the LPT1 port.

And the last one is sometimes the program Signgo and cutter stop talking to each other. This normally happens after one of the top issues happens. Vinly jams up the head and I have to turn it off.  I hit cancel to stop the program and recut but then the cutter never starts up again. Sometimes turning off/on will start it cutting again sometimes not. Today I had to shut down both twice to get them to talk. Any ideas on this one ?

Oh one last one.  Seems on the first cut the LCD is in gibberish. Like japenesse lettering. I swear it sas SAW and garblly gook. Kinda like when you used a laser printer with the wrong print drivers back in the old win31 days.

Any help or insiight appreciated.


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The LCD screen issue has me leaning towards a hardware issue with the motherboard because it should not do that. If it continues to give you LCD issues, you might want to look into a warranty motherboard swap.

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Ken, one problem that I am having with my cutter, is that when it is cutting, the LCD fades.

Kind of like it does not have enough power to run the motors and the screen.

Could be a power supply issue, or you might also want to make sure the cable is plugged in all the way. One thing I noticed is that on some machines, you have to push the power cord in to the plug on the cutter with some force to make a good connection. I have also heard where a few customers bent the prongs on the end that goes into the outlet together a bit to make a better connection in the outlet. I even heard of one case where a customer was having power fade issues when using an outlet upstairs, but when plugged into an outlet downstairs on a different circuit there was no power fade. Older circuits? Not sure.

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