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I recently posted a question asking for help on how to get started with my SC2 cutter but I am not able to find forum. Giving it another try. I can not for the life of me get my blade to cut the vinyl. The job gets sent and it imitates the cutting but it is not cutting or even near the vinyl. How can I or where can I mess with the settings for this??? What am I doing wrong? Is there a certaim setting it should be on? I have shirts that I am supposed to have done by Thursday night :( luckily it's my cousin and hope she understands if I'm not able to accomplish. 

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Hi Vicky ---    The first thing I can suggest is double-check the carriage head is actually seated on the track, sometimes during shipping it will bump off and the rollers aren't in place on the rail correctly.

Beyond that, can you do a quick video of what's happening?

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just to clarify you checked and both the top carriage wheels and bottom are both on track?   something is keeping that blade holder too high to start with and as slice had suggested that is the most common cause

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OK, so the carriage does seem properly sitting on the rails, but that blade holder is not going far enough down to touch the surface.

One of two things to check ----  the electromagnet itself could be hanging up (inside the plastic cover of the carriage)


The blade holder is incorrectly placed into the retaining arm. (not in the right Slot)

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blade holder on the unit shown on the usc page is much lower in the holder.  look at the distance from the brass nut to the carriage holder -  - 


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I see what you mean! I am trying to adjust the blade but it's only giving me one slot option for it. Unless I am not doing it right! I am going to keep on trying to mess with it because I see the difference in the pictures above for sure!

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don't adjust your blade exposure out anymore - the problem appears to be how far down the silver blade holder goes into the retainer  - I can't tell from the pictures - what limits how far down the blade holder will go into the retainer (black part) - I don't see a ridge on the holder like in other machines

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I believe the sc machines only have one slot - unlike some of the MH come with a 2 slots that cause all sorts of headaches for new people

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There is another ridge holder but I believe that's just part of the design. If I could somehow flip that the other way I could have the option lol and it would look like the picture you provided.


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that is different than I have seen before - so do you have to open the retainer all the way and it fits into a groove inside?  maybe that is the slot slice referred to - like does it fit into a slot in the center of the retainer- 

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from what I can see not much chance of getting that in the wrong position - think I would call USC tomorrow and show them this - asking what is up

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If I was a betting man, I would put up a buck that says the blade holder itself is the wrong one for this machine.

Those blade holders are made with the ring at various heights, depending on what machine it's designed to fit.



USCUTTER should have the answer regarding the true measurement that holder needs to have for this SC2.

(Image above is an example ---  for instance 32.5 mm on this one for MH cutter ---- when talking to USCUTTER support techs you are looking for them to give you a proper measurement on the barrel of the holder from tip to retainer ring )

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just our of curiosity will it fit in with the ridge below the retainer?    I am kind of leaning slices way on wrong holder but the sc2 is so new none of us have seen one in person

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6 minutes ago, Dakotagrafx said:

just out of curiosity will it fit in with the ridge below the retainer?    

Probably will end up being too low.

I'm sticking with my bet.  And if I'm right, it would be crazy (but not impossible, knowing China) that USCUTTER has to check through an entire shipment of SC2 cutters to make sure the wrong holders were not included!

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things have happened before  - Vicky please check back in with us when they figure it out so we know how to advise others

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Absolutely this is not a minor issue if what I think has happened has indeed happened !!  I sure hope I'm wrong.

(This is actually the first thread from an SC2 user  IIRC)


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Thank you all so much! I will give them a call tomorrow!! Looks like shirts won't be done by Thursday night if that is the case. I should of got on the ball sooner :(

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the first video looks like the blade holder could drop some more too - wonder if it could be not dropping the full range - either way they should trouble shoot it and we will be waiting anxiously to learn too

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**BUMP**  What was the outcome to this, Vicky?


You disappeared and didn't return to post the result of your discussion with USCUTTER support.

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