MarcelC 5 Posted November 9, 2006 I've had several emails asking about fonts so I thought I'd post a few basics on the subject. Anyone who wants to add more information or links on this subject is more than welcome to do so. If you want to learn more about what a computer font is go to this link. Most programs in Windows use the fonts that are installed with the operating system. That includes MS office applications and Artcut, SignCut, and SignBlazer. Some programs such as Adobe Photoshop have their own fonts folder but that is more the exception than the rule. You can easily install more fonts into Windows by going to fonts in the control panel and then clicking file>install new font. You can go to this webpage for more detailed instructions on how to install fonts in windows. Once you install the new font it will show up in programs like Artcut which uses Windows fonts. Note that sometimes these new fonts will show up at the bottom of the drop down fonts list in the program rather than in alphabetical order. If you are wondering where to get fonts there are thousands of free fonts available on the internet so I'd recommend doing an Internet search on fonts or going to a site like this to find what you are interested in experimenting with. Just a precaution before you go crazy installing hundreds of new fonts on your computer you should know that having too many fonts installed can slow down your system and the programs that use these fonts. See this webpage for more information on that subject. One more precaution is that if you intend to use unusual fonts for writing documents, instant messaging, or emails keep in mind that other computers that don't have these fonts installed will not be able to see them properly. If you want to view and manage fonts you can use a font manager. This helps if you download several fonts and want to preview how they look before you install them to your Windows font folder. Additionally there are programs that will help you to create your own fonts. Some of these programs are free and some are not. You can find them complete with user reviews at typical download sites such as or 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeCamaro 11 Posted February 2, 2008 There is another helpful place to go when you need to name a font and you or nobody you know cand id it. is very useful. Just upload the image with the font you are trying to identify then type each letter and they will macth the font in their data base and tell you what font is it or at least a very similar one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomblack 0 Posted January 13, 2009 can you tell me how to bold a font for cutting the way you would on your computer? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cmwyke 0 Posted October 10, 2010 I've actually found a slightly better site than whatthefont, it's Seems like it does a better job to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites