
Hello from Ohio!

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I haven't jumped into any forums on vinyl cutting until now; I have been plugging away on my own in a small area in southwest Ohio for six years. It all started when my son played soccer, and we asked other parents where they got the decals on their windows with a soccer ball and their kid's name. They usually said "at a tournament", but I never saw anyone offering the decals. The wheels started turning . . . I bought a cutter, a tent, some vinyl, and hit the road! Now, setting up a cutter in a tent in Ohio is not always the best idea; I've worked through wind-blasts from hurricanes, thunderstorms that destroyed several tents, mornings so cold I had handwarmers in my gloves, and days so hot I burned my fingers on my metal rulers.

But I've had a blast tweaking designs that would cut and weed fast, adding colors, magnet blanks, and designs on the fly ("can you do a trilobyte?"). My web site is down at the moment, but when I get it back up I'll post a link.

I hope to be able to continue to learn from everyone here, and help where I can.


Pete's Decals

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