
What vinyl to use...

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I have a client who is unhappy with their current vehicle lettering.  It is on the paint (the car door) and the the car gets washed frequently.  They have a 15 passenger van to redo as well, with the same problems. (it gets powerwashed weekly)


If you look at the gold metallic, it has chipped and broken in a few places (like the top of the 'n' 'd' and 'e' and the bottom of the 'I' in this picture).  I think the lines are too fine.  They are about 1/16" wide, or a little less.  I don't know what material the previous installer used.

When I redo the logo, they want to use only the green. (not the gold).  I was also going to bold the lettering a bit to give the more strength to the letters.  They asked about covering the whole design with a solid sheet of transparent vinyl as well.  Is that a good idea?

I was looking at ORACAL but was unsure about selecting 641, 751 or 951.  What is the practical difference between grades?  There is a huge price difference between 641 and 951.  The surfaces are basically flat, (no rivets or texturing)

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Vehicle paint, you want to use cast vinyl....period.  Less shrinkage, conforms better, lasts longer etc.  Go with 751 at least, thats what I normally use on vehicles.

Couple things...first I would bolden the text as much as you can, which you are doing, and there are also products out there to seal the edges of the vinyl...most notably the "Seal it" pen which is available from alot of sign supply stores, you basically run the edge of the marker over the edge of the vinyl and it applies a layer of sealant that seals the edge..I would think you would want to do this on anything that regularly gets powerwashed. 

Go with denatured alcohol when you clean things before application as well.....good stuff when it comes to removing all the wax and such on the surface that can reduce adhesion.

Good luck.

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