
cuttin twice

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aim using signcut and bridge pro 720 but when i plot or cut the blade goes over the cut or plot twice and goes over the box on the outside of the plot cut tree times is this normal any body got the answer many thanks tony

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It is not normal. You might want to check the graphic you are trying to cut in the design porgram you are using to make sure there are not hidden layers, or extra lines in your file.

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How do you check your graphics to make sure there aren't any hidden layers is it visually? BTW i have AI CS2 Can somebody show me how to do this ,because im having this same problem..

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I think this may help..

A Quote from Venice_d

Creating the outline converts text from being a "type-able font" to a shape object, with an editable "path" around it's perimeter.  This path is what the plotter actually reads to make it's cut, and is what you want to play close attention to in your files. if you use the white arrow tool in illustrator to select a shape object illi will highlight the path with a colored line. You shouldn't need to "create outlines" for squares, circles and other drawn shapes, as they are already "shape objects".  What you do want to do with these is make sure that you have it set to fill, but with no stroke. (this is done at the bottom of the toolbar, where there is a square "fill" icon that overlaps a box shaped "stoke" on the stroke icon, and then click just below on the small option box with the red "none" strike through to apply it to the stroke). Technically you can also set it to stroke, but not fill, but that opens up another can of worms, and another set of options you have to pay attention to.

  Having a shape that has both fill and stoke applied sends multiple paths to the cutter, one for the edge of the fill, and another for the stroke around the shape, leaving you with multiple cuts around the borders of your object.  not sure why you'd be getting stray cuts into the center of your shapes unless you have some stray paths in there you're not seeing, or perhaps you filled the object with a gradient, which if outlined would create a series of paths running through the object that outline each "band" or tone of the gradient. use the white arrow tool to drag around and highlight the entire object...if you have stray paths this will select and highlight them so they are visible, then you can figure out why you have them and how to get rid of them.

  Good file prep & clean vectorizing is key, the plotter can only cut as good as what you feed it.

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