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I have lost my artcut 6 software but I still have my ac6 files saved.

Is there another make of cutter software that can import the artcut ac6 files and cut from them?

Or a programme that can convert the art saved ac6 file to a file that can be read by another programme.

Gill A

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Artcut is proprietary closed software, no other software will import AC files. You need Artcut to open them.

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i have cutter pluter asc365-720 i have windows vista home but no workin need other program WINDOWS XP

and what program better for my cutter plotter please need help tk.

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use sigblazer either with the p-cut or refine driver should work.  if not the roland pnc1000 is a pretty generic driver

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i just got a artsign cutting plotter and the artcut software that came with it said i can import .eps files and some others but when i try to import a .eps file it never shows up on the screen. is there somthing else i need to do, to get the vectored art into artcut. if any body could help me i would be so greatful. and when i said i was new here i also ment i am new to sandcarving i have only blasted 4 things as of right now.


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Artcut is very "picky" about where files where created.  I can almost always open .eps files that were created in Corel or passed through there.  I have the Corel software so whenever I get a .eps file that Artcut can't read I open it in Corel and re-export it into .eps and then Artcut can usually open it.  It's a pain but at least it works.

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