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andygeekboy last won the day on November 19 2016

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About andygeekboy

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    Dogs, Dog Training, Dog Everything :)

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  1. andygeekboy

    3ft X 8ft Banner Price

    Thanks, sorry I missed you response in the previous thread @Wildgoose Would that be $120 plus the cost of the banner? Thanks again
  2. andygeekboy

    3ft X 8ft Banner Price

    Hi All, I posted this at the 'conclusion' of another thread and now I'm really curious. How much would you guys charge for a 3ft X 8ft like the attached? The banner cost was around $35 H
  3. andygeekboy

    Tips for installing vinyl on vinyl banner

    This was the final product, turned out pretty well. This is was personal project so I ate all the costs but typically how much would you guys charge for a 3ft X 8ft like the attached?
  4. andygeekboy

    Application Tape Not Wide Enough

    Good call @arty-rc!
  5. andygeekboy

    Application Tape Not Wide Enough

    Thanks, yeah it's for a banner for the footy game today for myself
  6. andygeekboy

    Application Tape Not Wide Enough

    So, just searched for overlapping and the consensus is yes. Funny thing is I've been searching using the wrong phrase and getting nothing
  7. I may potentially run into a situation where I have a a decal that's larger than the application tape I have. Is overlapping application tape a 'thing' or am I crazy for even thinking about it?
  8. andygeekboy

    Tips for installing vinyl on vinyl banner

    Thanks guys, This is just for a 'one off'. I love the bungy suggestion @Wildgoose, thanks. Now how to fit an 8ft banner on a 4ft table :)
  9. Never tried this before and wondered if any of you guys had some 'pro tips' Thanks!
  10. andygeekboy


    Glad you're fine, we hunkered down and rode it out too.
  11. andygeekboy

    Hello!!! From Florida

  12. andygeekboy

    Warranty replacement on my Home printer,Please read

    Thanks man
  13. andygeekboy

    Warranty replacement on my Home printer,Please read

    Hey @Primal Decals, Think you'd be able to post a couple of pics of the finished tshirts? I'm really interested in what the final product looks like. Thanks
  14. andygeekboy

    Siser Easyweed Swatch for AI

    Very useful, thanks so much!
  15. andygeekboy

    help with multicolored decal

    I'm not sure I'm understanding correctly but couldn't you just layer the star on top of the solid box?