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nutster44 last won the day on June 3 2017

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About nutster44

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. nutster44

    Help With This AI File

    Hey guys, needing some help from an Adobe Illustrator guru. The file I have here I need to be 13.75 in. wide x 9.75 in. high. I was able to do this but I also need each star to be 1.254 in. high by 1.254 in wide, which I'm not able to do. Can anyone help with this...Thanks in advance guys... Flag
  2. nutster44

    Needing Help to Vectorize This

    I will study up on that....Thanks..
  3. nutster44

    Needing Help to Vectorize This

    Thanks guys, this really helps..This is a high school variant of the Miami U, I dont believe its copywrighted or anything like that...Thanks again.
  4. nutster44

    Needing Help to Vectorize This

    Hi there, Im needing some help with this. I need a U like this. I have tried and tried but Im not good at this. I need it to be 2 colors, doesnt matter which ones, just need it to be cutable and outlined like this and a space like the white lines at the top and bottom of the U...Thanks again in advance, I appreciate your efforts.
  5. nutster44

    Help With This Font !!!

    Does anyone have a clue what this font may be. I cant get a better picture and I cant match it with anything on the auto services...Thanks in advance guys...I know its hard to see
  6. nutster44

    Need Help Please

    You did perfect. I knew it couldnt be vectorized, tried a couple times. Im not very good with graphics but that is perfect....Thanks..
  7. nutster44

    Need Help Please

    I was hoping some of you graphics people could give me help. Im working on this logo and I need to duplicate the H and the circle around it. I have tried but havent done too good a job. Would love it in an eps or AI file...Thanks in advance guys..
  8. nutster44

    Help vectorizing a logo...Please

    Thanks haumana, I had forgot about vector magic, it has been a long time since I have tried that...Thank you very much
  9. nutster44

    Help vectorizing a logo...Please

    Thanks guys, I have tried it and the bank doesnt an eps., but ill keep trying.
  10. nutster44

    Help vectorizing a logo...Please

    Hi there, you guys have always been able to help me with logos before. I am attaching a bank logo and I was hoping someone could help me vectorize it so I can make it larger or smaller and also there is a white background or box around it that I need to get rid of...Any help would be appreciated....Thanks..
  11. nutster44

    HELP !!!!!!!

    Im working with Illustrator and I tried about every configuration to get it to come out but had no luck. Im a newb at the vectoring process..
  12. nutster44

    HELP !!!!!!!

    Thank you very much haumana, I appreciate your work..
  13. nutster44

    HELP !!!!!!!

    Hey guys, I could really use some help. Im trying to vectorize this photo so I can cut it but I can not get anywhere with it. Any help would be appreciated. This is a photo on a shirt if it can be vectored I just need the white areas and to have them cleaned up...Thanks guys..
  14. nutster44

    Anyone Know This Font...???

    Found one close, Sierra Madre....Thanks for looking guys...
  15. nutster44

    Anyone Know This Font...???

    Anyone know this font...Thanks in advance guys...