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Posts posted by fustratedinhawaii

  1. Well, you're right. 2 of them got shipped to a neighbor island and 1 of them was here. He insisted on paying me full price. The others asked how much, I just told them whatever they wanted, but mostly to advertise for me like they said :)


    I always thought of Decals like the ones I WANTED to print, but can't afford that $9,000 Roland cutter. 


    I "was" thinking of signing on as another newbie and FLOOD my help request with "with my new Laserpoint II printer" just to get MZ SKEETER'S blood boiling...but I don't have that much time  to waste and I want to keep SKEETER on my GOOD side  ;D  ;D  ;D



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  2. MK Creations called Graphtec and asked about the Graphtec Studio Pro. They told her that version isn't out yet. I have an older Adobe CS2 and was trying to learn that with Inkscape also. Also, all the vector files that are posted here eps, svg, etc don't open in Graphtec Studio (at least for me). The Adobe CS2 opens them fine though. When I make a simple word or phrase in GS and cut them out, and then try to save them, the ONLY option for me is Graphtec Studio. Seems like they are a little proprietary  :rolleyes:

  3. Well....posted up that I was doing vinyl stickers amongst my friends and within 1 hour I had 2 friends that asked for stickers. Funny thing is, I can't charge them for it because: 

    1) They have ALWAYS have my back 

    2) They always advertise for me with whatever I make and I KNOW 100% that they'll bring in customers for me. How many, I don't know, but I trust this will happen slowly and it may build up pretty good....


    Funny how cutting a 3" tall x 23"  sticker can be so frustrating. Using a ruler from Omnigrid like Wild Gooses's Friskas ruler. Never new the bottom of a "n" wouldn't line up with the bottom of an "a" or "g". Interesting....I'm sure my friend's won't mind the "extra" stickers :) !!!

  4. No, you can do solid, fill.

    COOL :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!! PICTURES?:huh:!!!!!! lol....

    I was wondering...mines came with the pen attachment and pen also. But...will it work if you stick in an ultra fine sharpie?

  5. Nope wasn't gonna say that but if you ever want to make some quick posterboard signs I'd recommend getting one.


    posterboard signs? with just and pen? (outline I'm guessing?)

    You have a pic or example of that?

  6. What they're talking about isa sleeve that fits where your blade holder goes and the center is sized tp fit a sharpie making your cutter draw with sharpies


    OOOooooohhhhhh......I know...I know...don't say it.....stupid noobs :'(

  7. What 'holes' are you referring to?

    The size holes to drill into whatever your making a blade or sharpie holder to go into...I'm guessing their about 1/2" - 9/16" holes...


    We ARE talking about this, aren't we?


  8. If you share it on the open forum, lot of other pros would make time to tweak it also...and....it might be something cool that other friends/families might want for their own loved ones going through this brutal time in their lives.....

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  9. raise your hands if you were one of us "back in the day" to try to make our fingers do that :) ??!!!


    gc, that is sounding TOTALLY AWESOME :) !!! Sorry to hear that about your boss, a lot of us had them...I had one that did that to me, but shouldn't say what I "wanted" to do.

    I had to leave it in prayer and STILL do this day it tears me up!!!! Everyone says time will heal...to "let it go" because it eats you up everyday and he's probably laughing about it... Almost 7 years and I STILL can't let it go :(


    I got a mom like that...it's funny how they love you so much, they just "want to help", but sometimes it's embarrassing (to ask the guy to go even lower) ;D   !!!

  10. I was told to wait for Windows 10...hopefully that one will be better.



    I WOULD hope that there would be a patch for Windows 8 to fix that and other issues...