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Everything posted by Marie925

  1. jaybird - You have a brick and mortar store correct? I assume your fulltime job? Did you start as a side job or go full time off the bat? Thanks for your input!
  2. I did just purchase Adobe CS6 (the whole suite - I didn't like this new CC cloud based thing were you pay a monthly fee) so I am learning that whenever I get a chance. I know with time I can do well with it. I am very good at self teaching. I have been a heavy AutoCAD user for the past 8 years and just added ArcGIS to the toolbox 2 years ago. I love using design programs. Most people in my position would rely heavily on a drafting department, but I prefer to do my own work. I think that I can get to the point to have my own unique graphics. I always loved art as a child (at 6 my dream job was to illustrate books). Then I came to the sad realization that I have no talent for drawing... I just need to get in the creative mind set - I think it is there, I just need to bring it out more. FYI - I love the quote in your signature!
  3. Marie925

    Coroplast Sign Thickness

    Hello! I am new to sign making, and I am just wondering what thickness (mm) coroplast is typically used for signs? What is the durability of different thickness? Obviously I realize the thinner stuff is going to be cheaper, but I want to be sure I get the right product for the application. I have someone asking me to make some 2'X2's and a 2'X6'. I meet with her on Friday, but I wanted to have an idea of what thickness to suggest. She will be bringing me an example of her older signs so I can probably measure to see what thickness it is and see how satisfied she is with that thickness to make the final call, but any information or experience you can share would be great. Thank you! Marie
  4. Marie925

    Coroplast Sign Thickness

    Depending on prices I could make it to Columbia too. Marie
  5. Marie925

    Coroplast Sign Thickness

    Aiken/Greenwood or Charleston (Augusta Ga too)
  6. Marie925

    Coroplast Sign Thickness

    Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it! I will take a look at her old sign and decide then on which thickness to go with. 4 mm seems to be much more readily available online. Are there any suppliers in South Carolina or Georgia that you buy directly from versus ordering online?
  7. Marie925

    Coroplast Sign Thickness

    Yep Grommets are the plan. Currently there aren't any, but we plan to add them to the new signs.
  8. Marie925

    Coroplast Sign Thickness

    What I have seen so far is a PVC frame, and they zip tie it to the frame (for the 2X6 board). Have you used the 4 mm on any larger banners type signs or just on smaller ones? Thank you for your quick input!! Marie