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Everything posted by kenfedh

  1. Hello, Been using laserpoint for a few years. works great. Just got a backup , overflow work, copam. Got it set up with the installed usb cable. usual trial and error - working. However, can't get a clean cut. using heat film shirt vinyl. blade barely poking out. pressure dialed all the way to 20g, speed 40, offset .25. it's still going through the vinyl and backing - tearing it up. I've powered the copam on/off. Any suggestions? thanks Ken
  2. Thanks for the help. Exposed portion of the laserpoint wasn't very precise. Credit card thickness, give or take, dialed in the pressure. With this copam. Did the suggested manual test, cuts vinyl, not carrier. Blade is barely, barely showing. Pressure set at the mininum, 20g, still pulls and pushes the vinyl around. Take the same blade, put in the laserpoint, cuts fine. It's like the pressure setting is being ignored. Perplexed.