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Everything posted by Outwest34au

  1. Outwest34au

    layering graphics in SBE

    THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU This has solved my current problem.
  2. Outwest34au


    Thanks Neuro, you're a legend mate. Much appreciated
  3. Outwest34au


    Hi Neuromax, that display is fantastic. I am wondering if you will let me have a copy of the eps so I can do something for the kids at the local school. Thanks
  4. Outwest34au

    My son's room

    Great stuff, that wall really does look good.
  5. Outwest34au

    My First Sticker on MH721

    It's a good feeling to see it all works isn't it. Well done.
  6. Outwest34au

    Another newbie. Hi all.

    Hi everybody, 43 yo newbie form Queensland Australia. I have just started in real estate and got a cheap but so far good Rabbit cutter to do the vehicles and make the coreflute signs. The info I have found on this site made everything possible so far, all the tips, tricks, tutorials and advice are great. So far I am having a lot of fun learning and pretty happy with my results, I know things aren't perfect lol, but presentable in most cases. Thanks for the site and contributions.
  7. Outwest34au

    Need starting direction please

    Hi, To cut a long story short, wife pranged the car and now the door colour doesn't match. I have tinted the windows and blackened the top of the door frames now but I am at a loss as to what I can do to signwrite the door and make it look ok. I thought it should continue onto the front gaurd and maybe rear door so it doent look like a botched cover up. I certainly don't expect anyone to waste hours doing all the hard work for me, just a few basic concepts would be nice. A pic of car and logo should (hopefully) appear below. The business is in infancy stage so cash is tight, but as a sweetner I will mail somebody a small cut Sapphire from our town here, probably worth $40-60 Aud depending where you flog it off. Let the creative minds unlike mine flow. Thanks.
  8. Outwest34au

    Need starting direction please

    Well, a local thru in a few suggestions and I had to get the project underway. Not a job I am proud of, but the concept is fine. Will redo it and maybe embelish it a little later on. Cheers