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Everything posted by boomerbabe

  1. boomerbabe

    finished these tonight

    Very nice
  2. boomerbabe

    My first Cuts!

    Cute, looks good
  3. boomerbabe

    Roll Vinyl Calculator

    Thank you
  4. boomerbabe

    Vinyl Pricer

    Thank you. Now you can relax and enjoy the Holidays. Blessings to you and your family.
  5. boomerbabe

    New Bowling shirts

    Love it!
  6. boomerbabe

    Shirt I made for a local bar

    Very nice T-shirts, great job
  7. boomerbabe

    The 4th is coming! Lets get a patriotic clip art thread going!

    That is amazing. Thank you for the file.
  8. boomerbabe

    fathers day project

    Neat project to do with your boys. I bet they feel proud.
  9. boomerbabe

    The 4th is coming! Lets get a patriotic clip art thread going!

    Grabbed a couple too, Thank you all. And the godaddy video was terrific, brought tears to my eyes.
  10. boomerbabe

    the person below me game

    Not screen printing a shirt, but koozies were a PITA TPBM is always asking for help before researching for an answer
  11. boomerbabe

    Our first wrap

    I am impressed. I was watching some videos on wrapping and my 1st comment was "I don't want to learn how to do that" Great job!!!!!
  12. boomerbabe

    Refreshed an old sign

    Very nice
  13. boomerbabe

    A Couple of my First Projects

  14. boomerbabe

    New Stuff

    Yep - that's what I read.
  15. boomerbabe

    My shirt I did for Memorial Day

    Thank you for your service and to all out troops past and present. Your shirt is awesome. Hoo Rah
  16. boomerbabe

    Vinyl Pricer

    +abazillion ;D
  17. boomerbabe

    I'm going to see the Atlantis launch!

    So cool you were there. I too have always wanted to see a launch up close and personal. This wasn't the last one was it? Maybe I'll be able to catch that one. Looking forward to seeing the vid and pics when you are rested.
  18. boomerbabe

    Vinyl Pricer

    Looking very professional. I can hardly wait for the "final" version. Thank you again for all your hard work and dedication to this project, I hope it has been enjoyable for you.
  19. boomerbabe

    Vinyl Pricer

    Talk about going the extra mile. This sounds like the Ultimate estimating calculator and I know I speak for many that 'you da man' and you have my undying appreciation. Looking forward to the "final" version. Thank you so much.
  20. boomerbabe

    Joe Camaro

    Poinciana - only a couple of hrs from me. All us Florida folk should try to get together one of these days.
  21. boomerbabe

    Joe Camaro

    So, Joe - where in Florida? Maybe I'll have to come visit if you are close . Would love to see your work in person.
  22. boomerbabe

    Graduated vinyl decal and t-shirts

    Very nice. I like that vinyl. Will need to look into it. 8)