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  1. Blare

    Flexi 10 & Redsail plotter trouble help!

    Thank you for attempting to help!
  2. Blare

    Flexi 10 & Redsail plotter trouble help!

    Wow I just figred it out.. When your adding the cutter in the options it has Flow Control it was on None. So I set it to Xon/Xoff and now its cutting fine. Sigh of relief!!!!!!
  3. Blare

    Flexi 10 & Redsail plotter trouble help!

    Yeah, i just pmd him for the driver to see if it will work. But I'd just think the driver flexi 10 comes with should work
  4. Blare

    Flexi 10 & Redsail plotter trouble help!

    Yeah might have too, but i'm trying to get this going asap. :\
  5. Blare

    Flexi 10 & Redsail plotter trouble help!

    Flexi comes with redsail driver already? All I did was select my plotter and com port it was on.
  6. Hello, I have flexi 10.0.1 build 1557. Im running windows 7 64 bit. When I try to send something to my plotter it goes all crazy. I had this same issue with Flexi 8.1 and I was told it was because I was on windows 7 and win7 didn't exist back when flexi 8.1 was out and I needed to be on windows xp. Well now this is happening on Flexi 10 now too. WinPCSign works just fine.. I dont know why Flexi doesn't work? I'm using the USB cable also. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. Blare

    Flexi Pro 8.1 & Redsail RS720C Not working?

    I've been playing with winpcpro, it's just little things about it that i havent figured out yet is the reason why im not liking it lol. But needless to say its working unlike my flexi ha. If I wanna make a decal that says the words "illest" and i wanna make 10 of them how do you go about that using winpcpro? Cause I know flexi has a option for it before sending it to the cutter.
  8. Blare

    Flexi Pro 8.1 & Redsail RS720C Not working?

    Ok, i'll check that out. I do have WinPCSign PRO that came with my plotter. It's just ive watched many tutorials on Flexi and watched my friend use it making decals and it's very user friendly. I don't really care for Winpcsign.
  9. Blare

    Flexi Pro 8.1 & Redsail RS720C Not working?

    Ok thanks for the info.
  10. Blare

    Flexi Pro 8.1 & Redsail RS720C Not working?

    I'm using windows 7 64 bit.
  11. Hello, After many hours of searching the internet for redsail's driver for my plotter I finally installed it. And yes in the output drivers folder. When I send something to cut, the blade jumps all over the place and cuts all over the vinyl. Not sure what's going on? Any help would be apperciated.
  12. Blare

    Redsail Driver Shareware for grabs...

    pmd you