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Everything posted by rodh2

  1. rodh2

    church sign

    Awesome Job. Rod
  2. rodh2

    do you think I weeded him alright?

    Great work and Awesome Job!! Rod
  3. Userjon, I use Corel Draw and selected all the Black parts and welded them. The same for the white parts, once welded I selected the white and then black and used the back minus front. Hope this helps. Rod
  4. rodh2


    Thank you Kenya. Rod
  5. rodh2


    Michael32, if you are using Inkscape to convert this and it just isn
  6. rodh2

    Happy Birthday BannerJohn!

    Happy Birthday BannerJohn! Rod
  7. rodh2

    Any one have a Santa Claus????

    Thanks FF-Extreme!! Rod
  8. rodh2

    Which side?

    The person across the table. My 2 cents, Rod
  9. Userjon, open the object manager docker, make sure the edit across layers at the top is selected. Then select layer one, go to edit select all objects, then group them together and all the curvs will be on layer one. Then you can ungroup. Hope this helps and works for you. Rod
  10. rodh2

    Gift box

    Happy to help.Rod
  11. rodh2

    Gift box

    This might work for you. Rod gift boxes.eps
  12. rodh2

    A tease from me to you

    +1 James605.Rod
  13. rodh2

    Looking for a skull and crossbones

    hey joe dirtif you don't mind me asking what fonts did you use to make this? Rod The top is addcityboy the bottom is from an eps file dont know the name Thank you Joedirt.Rod
  14. rodh2

    Looking for a skull and crossbones

    hey joe dirtif you don't mind me asking what fonts did you use to make this? Rod
  15. You can find him here. Rod
  16. rodh2

    Help please

    If this does not work for you post the file and i will see if I can help. Rod
  17. rodh2

    Help please

    use the punch tool in sign blazer and punch the t through the bats then weld and see if this will work for you. Rod
  18. rodh2

    Signit and Corel

    You're welcome happy to help.Rod
  19. rodh2

    Signit and Corel

    jimcr, if you look at your design as a wire frame and select the shadow with the shape tool. You will see in the bottom information window, on the left hand side there are 3154 nodes. If you look at the top menu bar and to the right you will see 3 dots to the left of (reduce nodes), select this. To the right of (reduce nodes) key in 8 and hit enter. This will reduce your nodes to 375 nodes without any distortion or you could just hit the (reduce node) and it will reduce them down to 503. Jimcr, I hope this helps you. Rod
  20. rodh2

    Help with this Birthday Cake eps file. Please.

    American And Proud, hope this helps you. Rod cake 8.eps cake 8.SBD cake 8.eps cake 8.SBD
  21. rodh2

    Need some help to trace a bitmap

    Chris, that looks very nice good work and I'm sure the recipient will like it also. Rod
  22. rodh2

    Todays stuff

    Nice work looks good. Rod
  23. rodh2

    Window Work...

    Nice work. Rod
  24. Yes Rpm Just import them like you would any .eps file.Rod