Graphic Systems

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Everything posted by Graphic Systems

  1. Graphic Systems

    remove background color

    Duke ill have a vector for ya by Tuesday, I have been swamped here! The image is good for me!
  2. Graphic Systems

    Photoshop question....

    If I was you Id just look around on the web for a free download of Illustrator 10. Much easier and it is almost the same as PS. ! Then you can save up for the CS3. (Just my thought)
  3. Graphic Systems

    Doing The Happy Dance...

    LOL congrats on the new plotter and welcome back to the wonderfull world of Graphics. I am sure that the businesses in your area have missed ya! No More Brakes K
  4. Graphic Systems

    Hello from New Mexico

    Welcome from IL !
  5. Graphic Systems

    Hi there-I am new but excited to learn

    Helloooo Jenny
  6. Graphic Systems

    Hello from the great NorthWET

    Hello from Granite City IL.
  7. Graphic Systems

    Hi from Michigan

    Hello form IL. !
  8. Graphic Systems

    remove background color

    Im up for some fun post it and we all can have a crack at it !!
  9. Graphic Systems

    Need some ideas for a bathroom..

    Wow now this is going to be a blast.... So no matter what it is going to be a cluster of crap that the image is going to be lost in. Sounds like fun.
  10. Graphic Systems

    USB cord malfunction?

    I do not know much about the SignBlazer program but I have had customers that have had this problem. The most comon problem is when they try to extend there usb cords with an addaptor to extend the cord or when they have machines that run off of usb 2 and are trying to run it off of usb1. Keep us updated and hope this helps ya some. Boe Xpress Signs & Graphics
  11. Graphic Systems

    remove background color

    Hey Duke, If you look at your options in your scanning program you should have on option that says (Black & White) and if that does not work look in your inkscape in the options for an option that states (posterize). Every program should have this option just under a different name. Let me know if you find anything ill check around for ya ! Boe Xpress Signs & Graphics
  12. Graphic Systems

    Need some ideas for a bathroom..

    K, so let me get this right, you need an image for a restroom wall. What kind of business is it, what is the color scheme of restroom ( walls,floor & decor ). Is it a mens, womans or unisex. Does the restroom have stalls and if so what colors are the stalls and the entrance door. Size of mirrors and cholor of hardware in the restroom. After I have an idea of what the restroom looks like and the type of business we are dealing with I am sure I can come up with a lil something for ya ;D Oh and one more thing, are you looking for a print or vinyl image for the wall...... I am at your service ! Boe Xpress Signs & Graphics
  13. Graphic Systems

    Newbie question...How much and what to buy?

    Welcome from IL. Im sure you will find answers to all of these questions in the posts.
  14. Graphic Systems

    Hi All... yet another from Michigan

    Welcome from IL.
  15. Graphic Systems

    Banner Layout Question

    We just flip the banner with media side down and blow low heat with a heat gun. This is just to promote a faster cure rate.
  16. Graphic Systems

    Need a little design help ideas

    here ya go flames2.EPS flames2.EPS flames2.EPS flames2.EPS
  17. Graphic Systems

    Need a little design help ideas

    And a Side
  18. Graphic Systems

    Need a little design help ideas

    Hmm check this out !
  19. Graphic Systems

    Republican VP Pick

    LMAO how awsome is that !!
  20. Graphic Systems

    silly , opinionated humor

    I think this has been a lesson to learn. You all should have just voted for ME and this would have never happend !
  21. Graphic Systems

    Republican VP Pick

    So does that mean you are voteing for me?? Dont take what I have said in my last post as an Obama bash that was a shock value lead into my Joke to vote for me thats all !! But Really Vote For BOE !
  22. Graphic Systems

    Republican VP Pick

    NOBAMA Lets put it to a test ! List 10 things that Obama has done. I dont mean writing a book ! He is surrounded by some very bad people, our enemies want him in and raising taxes on Big Oil will just raise our gas prices through the roof ! We questioned one president about smiken pot let alone snorting coke. His church which im sorry but yes it does influence you. He is bad news and has road in on the AP express. The republican vp is who she says that she is and is kickn him around for a change, He does not like it. Obama said that his family is off limits but yet he can attack hers.... Give me a break.!! Ill tell you who to vote for!! and you listen good !!!! VOTE ((((((((((( BOE ))))))))))))))) I will change everything !! Dont worrie obout our sick ill just shoot them. Money problems you have not seen money problems till I get my hand in your pocket. :)
  23. Graphic Systems

    silly , opinionated humor

    Holy bat crap batman, is someone haveing a bad week ? Rodger I would just let it all go and dont read or respond to the members you are having the personal issue with. This forum is big enough for everyone, dont let people eat at you that live miles and states away. ! I think Mr. Grumpy pants needs a Hugg.. ;D
  24. Graphic Systems


    I have been looking around at other forums for a while now and have seen some very cool topic areas. I believe that it would be a very usefull tool for everyone if we had a template area to post, view and download vehicle templates. So I will start the topic and if we all add then maybe the US Cutter Forum could add it to the Forum.