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Posts posted by RegisG

  1. Roger, all,

    Last 2-3 days is the only time I've seen this forum go far off on one tangent.  I jumped into the political foray for a bit but, have dropped out of it.  I have other places to vent/argue those issues and it was not fun to look at the list of new posts and all but, maybe one was political.  Politics is very important to me but, this is a very helpful and friendly forum for colaboration on vinyl cutting.  I jumped over the fence and won't easily do that again in this forum (or similar forums).  The couple PM exchanges I had on politics were positive and cordual even from/to the folks I disagree with.  That to me says a lot for their character reguardless of political differences.   

    Mostly good folk here and I R workin' toward being one. 


  2. When do you use mask on?  Does it have any affect on cutting?  It looks different in the cut screen but, I don't really see difference in the cut vinyl.  I don't build any complex graphics in SBE (use Corel).  Is there a helpful or special use in cutting? 

    Attached is a jpg sample both ways





  3. QUOTE:  "You can't argue with someone who looks at the world through rose colored glasses and makes a statement "Go, help someone if you are able.  Don't take money from someone else do that."


    There is a huge difference between you or I helping someone and a politician.  A politician sees 10 people "maybe" needing something as 10 votes IF he/she can give them some of your and my money.  You or I would help because we saw a real need and were able to help.  Some people don't know or are unwilling to save for ups and downs in life, retirement, or healthcare.    It is a cheap sell for politicians to get their vote by promising them your money.    I do agree that government (preferabley states) are a good repository to accumulate & disburse short-term needs of individuals.    For those that absolutely need welfare because of whatever missfortune or mistakes life has left them with, put them to work (e.g. 100 men in a month could do the work of a buldozer in a day, or put in 40 hours/week making/serving meals to those 100 or ,,,,,many more ways). 

    Also, when the politicians take from "companies" who do you think actually pays that tax?

    I sure agree with you on at leat one thing "TERM LIMITS".  And carreer politician is a filthy word.  The only thing worse is NO experience that demonstrates ability to do the next job up the ladder. 

    Well, got 2 signs done before this post and have to go work for some more business.    Customers don't grow on trees in my yard!

    Wishing you and all others here the best of our wonderful United States,




  4. Sounds like you 2 want to live in socialist nation.......there are some you can go to.   Isn't it wonderful that we are generous people that do go and help those that can't or won't help themselves.  Go, help someone if you are able.   Don't take money from someone else do that.  That is not why we have government.   Government is to protect our nation and administer laws (based on our constitution).    John Kennedy, if he were alive today would be far tooo conservative to run in either party.   We have already gone way toooo far left.

    What a breath of fresh air last night, straight talk!

  5. Everyones' vote does count!  This is a wonderful country with opportunity for all.  Our nations founders were wise enough to know this is a nation of "united" states.  Just because a view or fad is very popular in very high population centers (e.g. san fancisco, New York city, etc) that is no reason for the entire nation to be dragged down.  That is precisely why we have an electorial college process, to prevent a large population center (including its ballet stuffers) from deciding for our nation.  Some hollywood and some media elitests try to denigrate this wonderful nation and persuade the masses to go downhill with them.  Un-fortuantely, there are a lot of people that can easily be dragged down (without complete facts).  For example, you would think our nation's economy is currently bad under the tutaledge of the current administration.  Well, we currently have greater GDP growth that UK, Japan, Italy and ALL other major nation.  We have greater employment that ever in our history.  This IS a great nation!  It is still the greatest place on earth to live, work, and serve our fellow man/woman.  We are a generous nation and want our people to live well and prosper (the media and hollywood elitest don't think this way though).  There are poor in every naton but, our poor have opportunity to grow and improve themselves.  Even a smalltown fisherwoman can grow to greatness in these UNITED STATES.     

    Thank you,


  6. Thanks everyone.  I have paintmask but, need some colors so I ordered some 631.  That Orajet sounds terrific except it is only white for printing.  The static cling would be great if I can find some.

    Again, thanks,


  7. My mother calls me Benny....that's my younger brother's name.

    :huh:  Now, that's funny   :o

    Real name Regis

    Family call me Rege

    Long long long ago in a far far away land, it was Hooch

    My wife calls me .......(maybe we don't want to go there until I get the garage cleaned up)

  8. well, I AM knowledgeable about politics...and here are your facts:

    during the Clinton Administration, the democrats fought for national health care...but the congress had a republican majority,who blocked every attempt.

    Yes,democrats as well as the republicans voted for the war...caught up in 'patriotic fevor' and basing their votes on LIES about 'weapons of mass destruction' which were based on faulty inteligence or just wishful thinking.

    The terrorists that you fear are not in Iraq...they are next door...and down the street. The next attack will not come from will come from within.

    Bottom line...the president's FIRST duty is the welfare of the American people...and that includes making sure we have food to eat and can afford to buy it. The President has let his own country down while seeing to the business of other countries.

    So you think keeping people a slave to welfare so they keep voting democrat to get their meger lot (one of my 3 sons fall into that catagory).  Why do people that want work (at all skill levels) continue to come to this country.  Because we are free to succeed or free to be lazy.  This crosses all racial and nationality lines.  

    Welfare in OUR constitution is safety and freedom from opression.   The jobs that you see going overseas are because of modern transportation that has thrown us into competing in a world-wide economy.  

    I do agree that terrorist are here and I believe it is because of the abandonment of immigration controls beginning with carter and up through the present.  

    Those lies you talk about were from the slashed clinton intelligence and every free nation's intelligence services.  

    For those that want to be socialists, there are a lot of countries to go to.  Don't reduce our proud nation to socialism.

    Back to SBE & my PCUT...  



  9. Banner,

    The #1 job of president of these United States is to defend this nation.  Bush has done his job even though it took "buying" liberals (dem & rep) in house and senate with outlandish spending to accomplish that.  Sept11 was like Pearl Harbor and Bush had to rebuild a clinton demoralized and abandoned military.

    my 3 cents 


  10. And for the record - I personally don't consider Obama from Hawaii or even a "local boy." He certainly does not get my vote by default (or "local" stupidity).

    And there you have it (hmph) ignore.gif

    I agree !!   :o :o :huh:

    I also agree  about the Obama with ziltch for experience and thugs/criminals for friends.  And :o for the young lady from Alaska who shows highest integrity & honesty of all that are running.   She seems to be a straight talker (and shooter) which Washington sees very little of.   It is a bit funny to see the hypocrite media trip, stumble, & choke over themselves.   Can ya tell that I rate media just below lawyers!


  11. I realized that when I go do a car or window that I need some kind of caddy.  Was going to use 5 gal bucket but, NOW....I'll try to fabricate a similar one out of 1/8" pvc sign material (cuz I have a slightly damaged 8' sheet).  Bottle area & handle are great.  I also need a place/way to store/hold scrap bags.  If pvc doesn't work, one of my sons owns a sheet metal fab shop in Arkansas.