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Posts posted by BossThinksImWorking

  1. So maybe I'm a little slower than most, but for the life of me I can't figure out how you're doing that stuff. Pretty spectacular, and like everybody else, I"d really love a tutorial or better yet, a video, of the process.

    Thanks for sharing,


  2. I'm selling them through my store ( ).

    Started out just putting lots of them on the walls to get people talking about them and before you know it, the orders started coming in. Now, in addition to the wall words all over my walls, I've dedicated a nice size corner to just the wall words. I put in a table and chairs, price lists, scratch pads, and calculators, and lots of pictures for ideas.

    I've considered doing the party thing after hours to really speed things along, but I've got so much going since my daughter moved away that I'd kill myself if I tried now. Running this store every day is a LOT of work! And she's only been gone 2 weeks! I don't know what I'm gonna do....

    Somehow, I will pull it all together, though.



  3. I"m so sorry you and your family are having to deal with something so scary right now. I said a quick prayer for you guys as I read. Although God answer prayers, His answers and timing aren't always what we want, but faith is rewarded.

    And remember; sometimes God calms the storm. Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child.

    If He doesn't calm the storm quickly, I pray He does provide peace and calm for you and your family in the meantime.


  4. Hate it for the dog, but the pic I'd really like is one with your mis-matched shoes, inside out shirt, and the goofy, grin, you must have been sporting. You know the grin; it's the one all kids have on Christmas morning.


  5. How did I miss such an obvious surface? Mine is drab, too.

    But not for long....

    Oh, and speaking of stickers everywhere, I was a bit embarrassed when I went for my last pedicure. Slipped off my shoes, plopped my tootsies in the whirlpool to soak, and never even noticed the sticker on my foot. You should've seen the look on her face when she peeled a sticker off the bottom of my foot. (That's gotta be some strong adhesive to wear all day, survive a hot whirlpool soak, and still have to be peeled off!)


  6. It's true - attitudes are contagious. I know this how? Because I haven't a clue what that router thing is but because everybody else seems to be so impressed, I'm excited for you, too!

    Congrats. Have fun with your new toy.

  7. Not enough people stopped using ebay when they made the feedback changes so now they think they can change anything to their liking. Sound familiar???

    That's okay. Let them keep it up. Every time they make another change, I post fewer auctions and I'm not the only one. Witness the growth of Craigslist and local consignment businesses. I'm getting things in my store that might well have gone on Ebay a year ago. Every restriction, fee, and regulation they place on their sellers means a few less items listed but, just as I'm allowed to make the rules for my business and accept the consequences thereof, so is Ebay. I say more power to them. If they can make more money on fewer sales, let them have them. Eventually someone else with deep pockets will decide it's worth the risk to compete with them. I like it that way. In the end, the free market will correct.


  8. you are right Joe,it is a necessary evil. Last year my ebay sales were about 50% of my total

    anyhow, Meg Whitman,president of ebay for 10 years until March was an arch-conservative who heavily supported Bush and the Republicans in congress. If we get a new administration,maybe things will change and the government will start regulating them a bit.

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but are you saying you WANT the government to regulate Ebay? To regulate all our businesses more?


  9. Forgot to take Rapid Tac with me this evening when I went to deliver a sign for my mom. Dum-Dum me forgot to take a picture but you can imagine it; 12" letters in Masquerade font, spelling

    "MAGIC MOMENTS" (one of the fonts with extra outline things). And -it was installed on a flowing, vinyl, fabric. No way I was trying to do that dry! We emptied a spray bottle, filled it with water, added a pump of handwashing soap, shook it up, and it worked every bit as well as the Rapid Tac. Needless to say, I won't be giving that money away again.
