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Posts posted by smokeybearfan

  1. Some one here did a church a assembly of God church.

    I think they were repointing the cement it the brick and removed the letters embly of God. Leaving the name of the church on the first line.

    Ass.....on the second

    Chruch on the last line.

    We still joke about that one when we ride by it.

  2. That is one of the problems with the world today especially our country most equate money to happiness money is a necessity to survive in todays world as most people is not self sufficent at all any more. I would take a small farm, a few cattle, chickens fresh water and plenty of room for raising food and my loved ones, over money any day. That is probably the best feeling in the world is putting up a good crop and butchering a hog and maybe a beef and knowing your family will be feed for another year.....that is how it is on a farm. That was the way I was raised we had very, little cash but was rich just the same.
    I feel the same way.

    I was raised on a farm also. We still butcher a few beef and hogs every year. We put out huge gardens and can and freeze enough food to feed a small army every year.

    We give away large amounts of produce every year to friends


    I have low rates and stay busy where the higher prices places aren't as busy.

    Everything I have house, land, cars, trucks etc is paid for so I don't need to charge rates that make people think do I really need that. Most in my area aren't to well off so I charge according to the income for the area.

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  3.  I was just grabbing a guitar,banjo and fiddle for the church picnic today and saw a few more toys,I forgot to list my ukes,harpsichord and dulcimers and the foreign stringed instruments hanging there not sure of the names of them not sure how to play the foregin stuff.

  4. Play guitar some I have a bunch of them 20+ probably 30 if I counted them.

    Play fiddle,mandolin, and trying to learn the banjo it's harder than it looks to play

    . I peck on keyboard a little but not really good t it at all.

    I also play harmonica mainly collect them I have some that are about 180 years old.

    I tried the Sax but could never get it right sounded like I was killing a goose.

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