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Posts posted by Benr98

  1. I like both of those!  We have a place on a channel that spans two lakes and I've resorted to buying cheapy airhorns and letting them off when someone is going to fast through the channel just because I'm tired of yelling at folks.   :)

    LOL...good idea!  :)

  2. lol...definitely need something to read!  ;D

    I agree the more larger companies buy out the smaller ones (they say it's to SAVE money to print, etc which supposedly saves the customers money) it ruins it for SO many.

    I agree advertising rates are through the roof!  ;D

  3. lol Kenya, well that's one way of recycling the paper I guess!!  ;D

    I agree with John, I already spend enough time online and don't want to strain my eyes anymore then I have to.  I enjoy sitting on my couch with a cup of coffee enjoying the paper.....and if the coffee sets in, I can still take the paper with me!  ;D

    The only papers I read online are papers I can't get locally, but get the local paper daily.

  4. Good job! I would have used a capital S in the word sign, but thats just me! I have some plates that I bought from sign warehouse too, just havent done them yet. We are a two plate state so I'm not in a hurry!


    I agree with Renee, I would of capitalized S as well. 

    Hey those states that need 2 plates, does it cost quite a bit more??  I've never lived in a state that requires 2.  Well MI use to but went to one plate well before I learned how to drive!  :thumbsup:

  5. I have 3 boys and 1 girl.  Every day I think which is easier to raise.  My daughter can get moody, but she's helpful when I need her to be, creative and I just wouldn't trade her for the world.

    All 3 boys are different in temperment, how much ambition they have, etc.  My youngest (14) WOW he knows he thinks!!  :thumbsup: