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Posts posted by colej

  1. Hi all,

    I'm new to this and been making a few decals on white vinyl and found it very difficult to see the cut lines to weed.

    I had a piece of ash fall from a cigarette onto the vinyl and as I was wiping it away found it made the lines stand out easier for me to see where to weed.

    So now I just stick the tip of my finger into the ashtray and gently wipe it across the entire pattern to make the lines stand out and now I can weed without needing a bright light and magnifying lens.

    I don't see that it leaves the edges dirty or fouled in any way, just as clean as without.

    I even tried a bit of dust from the table and that works just as well.

    Hope this tip helps someone with eyes as poor as mine see the lines better.

  2. Hi everyone,

    I got into this because I saw a MF721 for sale in an auction and bid on it, not knowing anything about vinyl cutters or such, thought if I won it for cheap price it would be fun to play with. my surprise when I won! Now what do I do with this?  :)

    I've read a few post here so far and don't plan to start a business or anything, but just more of a hobby to make mask for sand-etching, maybe a few decals for my wife's RV, you know, stuff like that.

    I come from an Engineering background with strong skills in graphics and CAD, I'm already familiar with Corel and many other graphics programs, and looking forward to using those skill in a new medium.